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*A little triggering part, so if you get triggered easily, please skip over that part*
Sky was taking a nap with Naya, so Demi and I were going to the beach. We hadn't had a lot of time alone with each other in what seemed like forever. We pulled up to the beach and jumped out of the car.
"Just you and I for a couple of hours." I dragged my feet through the sand, feeling the soft sand between my toes. We reached a place on the beach where not many people were. Demi took off her swimsuit cover, as did I. I played some music to accompany us tanning.
"So, mom, how are you and Naya?" I winked, making Demi go into a hysteric cycle of laughter.
"That, my love, is none of your business."
"Oh, but I think it is. She lives with us, Sky calls her mom. I deserve to know."
"Okay, well you wanna know a secret?"
"Me too." I laughed, picking up a handful of sand and throwing it at her.
"What was that for?" she laughed.
"For you not telling me," I stuck my tongue out at her, laughing.
"Lets go in the water," she said, grabbing me up. We ran into the water, the water soothing my hot body.
"I am really happy we came," she smiled. She looked at the sky, she was really happy.
"I am here with the most important person in my life, I am in a beautiful place, I don't have to work. We are here together."
"Oh, that makes sense, I guess. I mean, it does. I am happy too, if that counts."
"It does, my love. I am so happy you're happy. You weren't there for a little while."
"I know, but I am again. You taught me to forgive. I am gonna talk to Zack when I get back. It'll be fine, I am happy for him and Jessica."
"That's good, I have rubbed off on you a little bit"
"You have. Lets go. I am a prune."
We walked up to the beach, and for the first time in a long time I felt connected with Demi.
We were going for dinner tonight in a fancy restaurant, so I dressed for the occasion. I put on heels, a dress, and a cardigan. I went to the bathroom and made sure my hair was okay, then went downstairs. Of course, everyone one else was already ready and waiting.
"Let's go," I laughed. Outside, there was a car waiting for us, of course. Max was standing next to the car.
"Hey, Maxie."
"Hey, Karoline," he laughed,
"Someone is in a good mood today."
"I am."

We arrived at the restaurant. There was no paparazzi here, which was a plus. We were seated immediately, on account of there were not many people here. They brought a highchair to our table for Sky.
"Are we going to the beach tomorrow?"
"Of course, baby," Naya answered.
"You too?" she looked at me.
"I am. Why would I miss out on that?"
"I don't know."
"Exactly," I said, reaching over and kissing her forehead.
"I am hitting that lady's room, be right back," I smiled. I got up from the table and walked over to the restrooms.
*skip if triggered easily*
I went into the stall and used the restroom. Coming out, I washed my hands. I checked my makeup and turned off the water. I heard sniffling coming from one of the stalls.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I am fine."
"I'm not too sure, I heard you crying. Do you want to talk? I can help, if not, I can get help." She sounded distressed. A girl, not much older than me, stumbled out of the stall.
"I am fine. You wouldn't understand."
"I would. You don't know me. Try me."
"Who are you anyways?"
"I am Karoline. Nice try. Now what's wrong? I am not leaving you in here crying."
"Like I said, you are, like, twelve. Thanks for the worry. I don't want you involved or exposed to this."
"I am fourteen, and if you would just tell me."
"No, I said leave me alone."
"Should I go get my mother? She would be more than happy to help you."
"Don't bring your poor mother into this." I took off my cardigan, it was hot as hell in this bathroom. She stared at my arms, I looked down forgetting the old scars that covered them. I immediately put my cardigan back on.
"You're fourteen?"
"I am."
"You understand?"
"I think I might."
"It's hard," she sobbed.
"I know. Look, you just gotta stay strong. Keep yourself from making that cut, keep yourself from harming yourself. You are worth more than a silly little piece of metal. It took years to learn, but you can do this. I promise, you can. Rise above your inner demons. I am here for you, if you need me."
"You're so nice," she said, wiping her face.
*triggering part over, loves*
"I never caught your name."
"Alyssa. Alyssa Yang."
"Here's my number," I said, getting out a piece of paper and scribbling my number on it.
"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."
"Try living with my mom," I whispered.
"Nothing," I smiled. "Well, my family must be getting worried."
"Thank you so much."
"It's no problem, really. I told you I understand." I hugged her, and left the restroom.
"Where were you?" Demi asked as I sat down next to her.
"I was in the bathroom, don't worry about it. I am here now."
"You, missy, are fourteen. I am going to worry about you when you go to the bathroom."
"Okay, mom, chill."
"I just worry, that's all."
"I know. I was safe. I promise," I smiled.
In the car, I finally got a text from Alyssa.
K:Hey, you're okay right?
A: I really am, thanks to you.
K: that's good, I am so glad I could help.
A: I am too. you from Florida?
K: No, Cali
A: Really? I am from Cali. I am here with fm.
K: fm?
A: foster mom. it's lame. I am sixteen, not many people adopt when you get to my age. but, most of her kids are out of the house, she just has one with her.
K: its not lame...I promise. I get it, I am telling you. theres not much I don't get.
A: where in Cali..?
K: Los Angeles. In the outer part, not in the city.
A: same. shes fostering my brother and I.
K: really..? would I know who this person is..?
A: maybe..
K: you would know my mom.
A: who..?
K: thats for me to know, and you to find out.
A: haha okay, I have to go. goodnight.
K: goodnight.
I hadn't realised, we were already back at home.
"Come on, sleepy head," Naya said, reaching to get Sky out of her car seat. I jumped out of the car and walked beside Demi. She grabbed my hand and swung it back and forth.
"Wanna watch a movie tonight?" she asked.
"Sure. Which one?"
"You pick."
"Let's watch the Cheetah Girls."
"Really, Karoline, really?"
"Yes, really. Silly, I love that movie," I laughed.
"Kay then, Naya might not watch, but we got ourselves a movie night.
After putting Sky in her bed, Naya came out and sat next to Demi. I layed across both of them, my head in Demi's lap. Demi turned on 'The Cheetah Girls', as I requested. Naya laughed as she saw what Demi was putting on. Naya and Demi were holding hands, and with Demi's free hand, she was playing with my hair. Is this what serenity felt like? I forgot all too much what it was like.
A/n- If you read the triggering part, that was to show how mature Karoline's experiences made her. This is only going have about 8 more chapters, but never fear.. I have two more books in this series coming! There is a huge plot twist coming in the next few chapters. So, stay tuned. That is Karoline's outfit, to the side.
Who do you think Alyssa's foster mom is..?
What do you think the plot twist is going to be?
What do you think of Alyssa?
Do you like it? I wrote through writers block, and if you don't know that is extremely difficult to do. I am insecure about this chapter aha.
What should the next to book titles be called..? Please stay on track with ideas.. (like A Mothers Love, then A Sisters Love, make it a girl noun, pls. )

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