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"Hello love." Tai exclaimed looking at Davey, it seemed the man couldn't find a persona to weasel into therefore just stood there frozen like a fish stick, it's these moments in my life I wish I had popcorn at the ready, too much shit had to come out and Davey literally had to come clean.

"Wolf got your tongue, Davey?" I snickered and Emric scoffed. "Tai, what are you doing here?" It seemed Mrs. Ordell was confused and shocked to know that her son knew the man who had been brought to her house. "What the hell is going on Davey?" Dean growled and I chuckled lightly, this was not going well for Davey.

"Before you act like you know nothing, don't, before you even attempt to lie, don't, if you do I will make lover boy's pelt here a rug for my kids to play with." Emric growled and I was smugly proud standing behind him, that was my alpha right there. "I said what the hell is going on, by the goddess start talking Davey!" Dean yelled and I turned to face him again surprised he had the balls to be in charge like that.

"Its nothing, I just know him that's all." The man exclaimed and both Em and I scoffed, knowing him was putting it lightly or rather, knowing him meant all of him, I would never know. "Stop pretending mon cheri, they know about us and I suspect the alpha's brother does as well." Tai confessed and Davey's facade crumbled.

He immediately ran to Tai and wrapped his arms around his torso. "Did they hurt you?" Davey mumbled checking Tai for any injuries. "Nothing that won't heal, but I'm afraid the plan failed." Tai replied and I wondered what plan was this exactly. "Are you and this man together Davey?" Mrs. Ordell finally questioned, her shock had worn off so the questions were now coming.

"Yes mom, this is Tai, Tai my mother." Davey introduced and Emric growled. "I didn't come here so you could introduce one of your men to your mother, I want you to tell her what you and this particular wolf planned together, after doing so your mother will know why I'm letting the man you love take you away rather than I kill him." The alpha explained and it seemed Davey was baffled into silence yet again.

My theory on what they had done together was now coming true, they had indeed planned everything together. "Well we're waiting." I urged and Davey glared at me before turning to his mother. "What did you do Davey Ordell say it now!" Mrs. Ordell screamed and her mate calmed her down.

"Mom I think it's best you sit down." He replied. "It's quite the long love story." Tai added and Emric punched him making him double over in pain and it also made him silent. The only woman in the room and her mate moved to the couch. "Mom I did some bad stuff while I was away which I never told you—."

He began to narrate what happened since he left, the day he met the rogue alpha Tai, and how they fell in love, how he never judged him even though he was a wolf, they didn't expect Davey to have a mate who was a wolf since he was a human but it got complicated when J. Turner appeared in their lives.

The bond made feelings for Turner bud in Davey but he was human and could never fully grasp the concept of a mate, so even though Turner loved him, Davey never loved Turner like he thought he would, so after a failed relationship he went back to the rogue who offered him a deal for his love.

Davey couldn't go through with the deal so he came up with another plan, he told the plan to Tai and left Turner to find the note that broke his heart, he knew Turner as a wolf would follow him anywhere but Turner grew bitter and hated Davey for leaving him, there he tracked down Davey and rejected him.

With Turner out of the picture it was now easy for Davey to get back to Tai, it was a really thought out plan but that wasn't the highlight of it, Tai expected Davey to find a way into the Ryeland pack, over time after the two had settled well in the pack Tai would challenge the alpha, if he were to win then the Ryeland pack would have a new alpha.

Their plan was insulting and idiotic, I suppose it had to be that way because Davey didn't expect his little brother to be mated to the alpha, he didn't expect the alpha to be stronger than the one he was to help take over the Ryeland, they had overestimated their win and now they were paying for it.

Mrs. Ordell was in one word shocked, she sat silently listening to everything Davey had said, it didn't take a shrink to know that she wanted to beat the shit out of her son for doing what he did. "Alpha, what is your judgment?" Dean asked avoiding to look at Tai or Davey, there was nothing they could do anyway.

"I let you live in my pack territory, I gave you protection and this is how you repay me, I should've banished your mother and her mate but instead I let her stay here with her mate protected by my pack, and you bring this to my pack." Emric growled looking at Davey.

"I warned you before,  it seemed you didn't listen, pack your things and leave St Maine, I don't care where you go just leave, as for you Mrs. Ordell, choose, either live here or follow your son out, you have twelve hours to decide." Emric concluded and Mrs. Ordell along with her mate nodded, Davey remained silent and Tai was blank.

"And Tai don't ever step foot in that diner or my city." The alpha warned Tai and I followed behind him silently. As we got to the car Emric sat on the passenger side and I turned the ignition, before I could drive away the mind link with my mate opened.

                                  "Babe come to the street where I used to live now, but lay low." He instructed and I sped off toward my mates old street. "Train that's the long way home." Emric reprimanded but I pointed in front of us where Andie was talking to a man I didn't know, I already knew he was a wolf though.

                            "I'm looking for my son, here is his picture, I asked the lady by that house and she told me to speak to you, I don't know why." I could hear him through Andie's thoughts and I could tell he's lying. "Babe he has a photo of you." Andie relayed and I gripped the steering tighter. "It can't be him, can it." I mumbled feeling my anger spike.

"Tell me that man did not just claim to be your bio father." Emric growled and I nodded. "Can I kill him now and get it over with?" He added and I suppressed the urge to kill him myself. We couldn't risk exposing ourselves and we didn't have all the information, so it was best to just lay low.

                                     "I'm sorry I haven't seen him in a while, he used to live a couple of houses from mine but it's like he vanished, and it's been a while, I'm so sorry but I can keep an eye out for you, give me your number, oh yeah where are you staying so I can easily find you." Starfish relayed their conversation to me yet again through the link, the man gave my baby a card, they parted ways after.

Andie kept moving and walked past us, he winked at Emric and kept walking down the street till it bent and he was out of sight. "The man is gone, move we need to pick up your mate." He ordered and I wondered what was going on.

We finally caught up with Andie and he hopped into the car with a grin plastered on his face. "Good job." Emric commented as my starfish handed over the card and his phone to Emric. "What's going on?" I questioned and the two chuckled.

"We couldn't obviously confront the guy, so I had your amazing mate ask him for his phone number and address so a squad can track him and my amazing mate can hack into his phone." Emric proudly stated and he fist bumped with Andie.

"Hey baby,  we're going to figure out everything okay, but for now let's go heat these up and eat, whilst I beat your ass at Mario Kart." I sighed knowing my starfish was right, we could take care of this easily but the thought of having a man parading around with a picture of me claiming to be my father was unsettling.

My father was Lex Everlin and he has been the best father I could ever ask for, I didn't need a sperm donor claiming me as his own, so I shoved the thoughts aside and focused on game night. "You're on lover."



A Wolf's Desiresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें