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I groaned on the bed not wanting to wake up, I was tired, my back was sore, Train was no joke when he wanted to pound you and have you take it without complaints, last night I was shown whose boss. Now I'm feeling the side effects of good sex plus the party that happened a few days ago.

I wanted my hangover to be gone but now I know that a hangover from wolf alcohol will literally kill you, never again, I don't regret the rest of the party, I got to meet amazing people, I got to make amazing new friends, and have people to help me when I needed it.

I groaned yet again when I didn't feel Train next to me, lately I was used to waking up with him by my side now with him obviously going on patrol and training the pack, I missed him, which was sad, I no longer had school, I decided not to go since graduation was tomorrow.

I was going to spend my day pampering myself in the luxurious suite that was my home, I could never really grasp the fact that I was the one who lived in the suite, it was somewhat like a dream and I would wake up with a bang and realize I'm still on my springy double bed, that would be horrible.

I breathed in my mates scent happily, I could never get enough of that smell, it was addictive and intoxicating. "Wake up Andie and do something with yourself." I mumbled before rolling out of bed, I walked to the window and peered outside, the sun was warm, the kids played by the grounds and the teens were going through their morning drill.

The pack warrior were fighting like gladiators as always with sweat glistening over rock hard abs, sculptured V-lines, and tempting packages, I chuckled to myself as some of the teens were checking out every gay boy's dream, sweaty, sexy, half naked men training, only thing that was missing, was popcorn.

I looked around till I found my own wolf in the pack, he was tempting as sin even with a sore behind I'd let him have it any time, what I had come to learn about wolves was that nudity was the last thing they cared about unless you were mated, lustful looks of envy did not get their way onto you, they respected those boundaries.

Most of the teens were virgins as well like I once was, in every aspect of it, they liked to preserve themselves for their mates, I for one appreciated that I was my mates first and last, so if it were someone else in the pack I'm sure they would too, but there were some who didn't value that and got down and dirty, no one judged them though, family didn't judge you unless you betrayed the pack.

They were a close knit group, all of them and I was lucky to be part of it all, I waved at my mate when he looked up to find me drooling over him. "I see you eyefucking me." He spoke through the link. "I prefer long range appreciation but that works too, you are tempting as a beast after all." I sassed and he scoffed. "I see you need more pounding to be respectful in the morning." He growled and I chuckled.

                                   "No pounding required I already serve on my knees don't I." I argued and he snickered. "We'll see how you be able to run that smart mouth of yours when I'm balls deep in you." He retorts along with a memory of him pounding me. "I'm going to be a good boy now." I asserted and he snorted. "Good, I have to let you go now, later my love." And the link was cut, the connection was open always but just on standby.

I decided to shower and give myself a waxing, though I loved my wolf hairy, I certainly didn't like myself like that, I didn't know why, I just didn't. As I got on with my bath I began to go through all that had happened these past few weeks, from falling in love with Train to finding out about wolves.

Life had basically been a roller coaster, I was grateful I survived whatever was thrown my way. My parents weren't in jail but Emric made sure they were far away from St Maine, my sister moved with them to wherever they had gone, and I was glad that I wouldn't be coming back home only to have my happy spirit dampened by the sight of the man who tried to kill me and the sister who never loved me.

I was happy with Train and what he did to them was payment enough for me, they would forever  be seen without the perfection they craved and that was the revenge that I was happy with, though I had moved on I still reveled in the happiness that they were out of my life.

Along with the bad roller coaster came Fred the man who had my mate mentally breaking down, I never wanted to feel that sort of pain ever again, it wasn't my own but it felt as if it were, it pierced through and crushed me in depressing waves, no one should ever feel that way, and my mate had gone through that, I never wanted that for him.

So with the hope that Fred never returned we moved on with our lives, started afresh, and found a different path to take, Davey was gone, he had packed and left with his rogue alpha, Mrs. Ordell had put up her house for sale, and left Linden a letter, which he never opened and threw into the fire, she had walked away as well.

With her gone came the peace that Emric wanted for his mate, that Linden wouldn't have to deal with the fact that she had left him alone for years on end, basically abandoned him and when he found someone to love him and a home, she wanted him to stay which was hypocritical in a sense.

I sighed draining the bathtub, I had waxed, gave myself a perfect pedi and manicure along with taking time to heal my sore back, I felt refreshed and ready to take on the day, even if I had taken four hours in the bathroom.

The warriors were no longer training, and lunch was pretty much coming around soon, I decided to make it for my mate knowing he'll be coming up with the hunger of a beast. I changed into casual clothing and headed toward the kitchen, Linden had taught me how to use the appliances in the kitchen because somehow the way an ordinary stove was turned on, was not how the stove he installed in the kitchen worked, which was ridiculous but true.

I decided on steak lots and lots of steak and of course the rest of the food. "Hey babe, I'm back!" Train called out from the front door as I placed the mashed potatoes out. "Kitchen!" I yelled back, he wrapped me in his arms once he got to me and I held my breath. I kissed his cheek like he wanted but wouldn't let go till he groped me for more.

I kissed him till he was satisfied. "Now please go you stink, really bad." I exclaimed and he pouted. "What's a guy to do when I was running, fighting and training wolves on a grass and dirt field, all morning till early afternoon." He whined I placed a kiss on his cheek. "Go go shower, lunch is almost ready." He nodded happily and headed to our bedroom.

I had already adjusted to living with the Train in the suite, so I knew if we were to live together in an apartment, I would be okay with that, plus Train might be gay but all the qualities of a man were still intact and always out for show, which somehow I found attractive.

I finished making lunch and set the table for two, true to his nature, my mate came back wearing only a clean pair of boxers and socks with nothing else. He wasn't shy with his body and I could care less, he belonged to me anyway. "This is so good." He gobbled down his food as usual and I chuckled eating my own food, life was perfect for me now.



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