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"I love you and remember service with a smile." I kissed my boyfriend before he climbed out of the car with a smile. "You know how I offer my services and who I smile to, love you too babe." He mischievously replied by my window before walking away, I couldn't take my eyes off him, since the day I met him, he's always been intoxicating.

With Andie gone to work I decided to look around for baby clothes, though his due date had passed the doctor said he still had time, though any moment he would pop them peanuts out into the world, it was normal for Linden not to give birth right then.

I parked my car at the only spot I found unoccupied in village and headed to the nearest baby store I could find, it was kind of embarrassing how the ladies in the shop came swarming toward me to give advice on which ones to take and which ones not to. Though their advice was appreciated, I loved my starfish, he had the tools that make mine hard too.

I kept going through the rows and rows of clothes, twin sets mostly but keeping them gender neutral which was a term I learned from Linden, if you don't know what gender you're shopping for, keep it neutral. After what seemed like an hour I paid and got out, but that wasn't the end of my shopping spree, I was shopping for me as well.

If you tore through clothing as much as wolves did you'll need a lot more to replace the shreds that we make when we shift, even the boxers, that why I prefer to just go commando at times, save me the boxer I shred through when I shift.

I got into another clothing store and I was surprised to see they had the brand Emric and I always hunt for but could never find it, immediately I grabbed as many as I could and dropped them into the basket, another pile again making it three and I was starting to get weird looks, I wish they knew the struggle of shredded clothes.

After choosing my pile of boxers I moved to the clothing section in the store, I believed I was no longer shopping for myself, I was adding things for my alpha, it was probably the least I could do since he's by Linden's side three quarters and a fifth of the time.

I paid for everything and still got the weird looks when the cashier was checking my stuff, I glared at her and she blushed. I didn't feel the need to throw insults so I kept calm and classy took my shit and went on my fucking merry way.

Walking out onto the street I didn't expect to feel the presence of an alpha in St Maine, the only alphas in the city were Emric and dad, plus them being in the city meant they didn't get close to pack territory, but a guard must have seen them, or any other person who's from the pack.

I had a bad feeling about whoever was here, they were an alpha, but also rogue, and not alone, I immediately ran to my car with my bags, it wasn't far from the shop I was in, I unclocked the car threw in my bags without a care, locked it again and tracked the scent.

I kept turning corners, twisting and turning between streets and shops, it was a busy afternoon and the people were literally hard to maneuver through, when I passed pack members I waved but still kept running tracking the scent as it got stronger.

I finally came to a stop, it was a small diner, the one Emric took me and Linden for breakfast on days he didn't feel like cooking, I hated them in the place we loved and wanted them gone, I calmed my self and walked in, they couldn't recognize me because I was born to a human meaning my scent seemed human, not wolf.

I kept checking until I found the alpha, he was tall but not as tall as myself of Emric, my brother was a sky scrapper now with his height. I moved to where the alpha sat and tapped on the shoulder of one of the wolves he was with, they turned to look at me with their wolf eyes showing, a clear sign of dominance which my wolf didn't take kindly.

I growled back and they looked down in submission, live with two alphas your whole life, you tend to pick up on their dominating traits. "Move." I ordered and the alpha nodded to his wolves, they moved and I sat down where they were.

"Who are you and what are you doing in a city protected under the Ryeland pack." I growled and the alpha seemed to have realized where he was and from his facial expression, he seemed to know us. "I'm just here to collect someone that's all, he owes me something of value, I won't cause any trouble if he comes willingly, if not, my boys and I will wreak havoc." He threatened and I knew he wasn't joking.

"Listen, rogue, you don't get to threaten without concrete evidence of why you're threatening us, I would gladly slit your throat right here and make  an example of you if don't show me why you're threatening my pack." I replied shocking him with my outburst and with our eye contact never faltering he knew I was serious too.

"You've got fire, I like that in a man." His tone changed and it became suggestive, I rolled my eyes knowing where he was getting at. "You're beautiful, anybody ever tell you that—." He paused waiting for my name which never came. "Quit stalling, and tell your puppy to stop texting and the one behind me to drop the knife he's not as stealthy as he thinks." I exclaimed shocking the alpha.

He scowled and nodded to his men, and I smirked, it was clear that these wolves weren't trained to hone their skills to be as sharp as they could be, to break your bones to the point where an SUV would run you over and you would stand and keep fighting. "Tell me what you want in my city rogue." I hissed and he threw his phone on the table.

"I had a deal with a bitch here called Davey Ordell, he was supposed to kill his mate for me, Turner, but he left the job undone, and on top of that I hear he rejected the alpha costing me my plans in the process."  I couldn't comprehend all this new information, what had Davey gotten into these past years, what had he done.

"So he ran from you?" I questioned and the alpha burst out laughing. "Is that what he told you, he lied to you and your pack, before Davey found his mate Turner, I was with him, loved him, cared about him, and did everything I could for him, and he left me for an alpha until he realized he could never be anything for Turner, I mean have you seen Jackson Turner, I warned him that he could never match up to Jackson, but he was adamant and he left me." Though he seemed to be proud I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"He came crawling back and promised to do anything to regain my love, and I told him to kill his mate, the little thing couldn't go through it, he was weak and that's why he ran." The man explained baffling me with more animosity for Davey than ever, why did he have to play with people's lives. "So you want Davey?" I asked and the rogue ordered. "I want him, and if I don't get him back, your peaceful city will have bodies droppin." He responded with a glint of animosity and humor.

"Don't do anything because if you do, I will end you." I hissed and the alpha quirked a brow. "Youll get what you want, but if you touch a single wolf or human I will kill you myself and use your pelt as a bathroom mat." I didn't give him time to respond and walked out with rage boiling inside me.



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