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A Human's Desires.

All my life I've depended on my family for just about anything, they've been there for me and taken care of me, and when Linden came into my life I knew I would be more okay, and that was true.

But at times I like to sit on my own and just think about the father I never had, the mother who didn't want me, and the boy I loved since I was thirteen who didn't end up being my mate, though life has given me so much, these are just thoughts that come to me without restriction.

I guess at times we do reflect on what could've been our lives if the people who were supposed to be there for us were actually there. I sigh trying to shove the negativity out of me, I had a nephew on the way and a mate now that I loved with all my heart.

I was blessed and I was grateful for it. "Hey babe, you okay?" I smile toward Andie as he comes to sit by our spot in the woods. "Yeah I'm okay, just needed air I guess, what have you been up to?" I reassured knowing I was okay with him close.

"Oh trying to avoid my sister and her friend, also getting this." He hands me a letter and I go through it with a smile. "Wait you got in?!" I asked standing up, he nods with watery eyes. "I did." He wraps his arms around my torso crying. "Its okay starfish, I've got you." I comforted him knowing he was crying his eyes out because he had lost hope of joining the Art program at Algiers.

"I'm so happy for you." I whispered in his ear and he chuckled sniffling a little more. "I'm proud of you, us." I add and he chuckles. "You know what this means right, we'll be going to Algiers together." He cheered and I picked him up.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I yelled twirling him around. "Put me down Train, you don't want to crush the best video competitor you have now do you." He chortled and I let him down. "Fine, but I'm still happy, have you told your parents?" I asked and his smile dropped.

"It's going to be okay." I comforted. "No it's not, they never support me or my dreams, they want me to do something else and I don't want to, I want to do art and follow my heart like I should, I don't know why they're so against me doing art when Amie gets to do what she wants." He exclaimed pacing around and I stopped him.

"What did I tell you about your parents?" I questioned and he smirked. "I should tell them to shove it, because I want to live my life, how I want it, where I want it, and with who I want." He recited and I placed a kiss on his forehead. "Exactly, you'll be okay, and if they won't accept you for you then I will be here for you, I will be your home okay." He nods wrapping his arms around me again.

My wolf felt content with him in my arms, I had mated with Andie but I never told him, and I blocked the mind link so he couldn't hear my voice in his head, I wanted him to be less stressed when I told him, and with one thing off the list and two more to go, the list wasn't that big anymore.

"I just wonder what they will do when they find out about us, we haven't exactly kept a low profile and I'm sure Amie is bound to tell them." He mumbled with his head buried in my abs. "I doubt they can do anything about it, I'm in love with you and you're in love with me that's what matters." He nods still hiding.

"Are you going to come up for air starfish?" I asked and he refused. "What if you drown down there, or find the sea monster?" I teased and he still refused. "I'm not scared of the sea monster, he plays nice half the time." He replied and I chuckled. "Oh really, does he?" I chortled. "Yes, plus you smell really good." I rolled my eyes at his addiction.

"Did you buy that gift for Linden?" He asked and I chuckled, the two had become close to each other more than Emric and I thought possible. At first, I had not liked Andie but when I realized he hadn't done anything wrong besides watch his sister and Charlotte bully Linden, then finally step away because he didn't want to hurt him,  I forgave him bit by bit.

"No, but I will." I reassured and he scoffed. "You're dabbling I see." He nods and I snicker. "Don't pretend as if you don't like it when I multitask and help you remember things you easily forget." I groaned when he ran his hand over my cock and bit down on my nipple.

"Ah, ah, ah, we're not doing it for the third time in one day, starfish sex will only reduce your nervousness for a while, you just have to rip the bandaid off." He sighed and finally came up for air. "I guess you're right, let me do it sooner than later." He conceded and I held him for a moment longer.

"Let's enjoy nature for a while, then I drop you off at home." I ordered and we both sat down on the blanket, he took out his sketchbook and I began going through files Emric gave me. I wanted to help with the pack as much as I could since my best friend was pregnant and it also gave me experience in business management.

Though at times I feel inadequate and that I must repay the Everlins somehow for taking me as their own, I'm reminded that they didn't do it out of pity or the fact that mom couldn't have kids anymore, but because they loved me when no one else didn't and I'm always grateful for it.

After sitting in the woods with my mate for a while, I decided it was time to go, he had to face his parents about the whole issue of him being accepted into the Algiers Art Program, I was worried about him but even if I was worried I had to have faith in him to choose himself first and his dreams which I supported entirely.

"You sure you'll be okay?" I asked the worry evident in my voice. "I will be, it's time I finally took your advice, and I need to do this, for me, and if I'm not okay I will call you, okay." He reassured as he placed a kiss on my lips that I reluctantly let go. "Be careful." I warn and he winks at me before climbing out of the car.

I waited until he was safely inside and drove off, I knew Andie's parents were hard on him but not his sister which baffled me at times since the sister was the one who needed more taming than him and a life too, she never misses a chance to flirt with me and it's annoying.

I don't know what will get her to stop, maybe my mouth around her brother's cock, I snicker at the thought as I park inside the garage. As I'm locking the car the scent of Linden's brother hits me and my wolf growled audibly, we both hated Davey.

Walking into the house I began looking around to find my parents, they were with Linden's mother along with her rogue mate and son seated in the lounge. "Get out." I ordered and everyone seemed baffled by my order.

"Train honey calm down, they wanted to see Linden and I was hoping they would understand that he won't see them until he's ready." My mother conveys glaring at the three. "You can't keep me from my brother, I will get to see him." I scoffed looking at Davey.

"As far as Linden's concerned you're as good dead to him, now get out!" I growled loudly and they left hurriedly because my wolf was near. "I hate those people." I asserted and my mother chuckled.

"You're not the only one my boy, there is an alpha who requested for a meeting with us in three days, he claims we harbor his mate and I can't help feel Davey is involved." Dad exclaimed and I sighed knowing Linden was right about his brother, nothing good would come with him being back.


Yay, it's finally out. Tell me what you think.
& also same update schedule.

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