Chapter 6

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Hey there evryone. How are you? Sorry for leaving such a bad cliffhanger but it was just to tempting. I hope you all enjoy this next chapter. Ciao - Sachiko<3

About 4 hours later you began moving around in your sleep, lashing out at the air a few times and kicking around. At one point you kicked Ivan and he woke up. He was a bit startled but quickly saw what was happening and was unsure of what to do. Meanwhile you were moving around even more, struggling against some unknown force and talking in your sleep.

Nothing you were saying made a lick of sense and most of it couldn’t be understood. Occasionally Ivan could make out you saying stop, or don’t kill them. Several times you whimpered please to some unknown person. Realizing you were have a nightmare, and a terrible one at that, Russia sat up and watched, wanting to help but not sure what to do to calm you down.

Tears were pouring out of your closed eyes and you were sleep talking louder and louder every second. Suddenly you screamed bloody murder and shot up straight in the bed.

          You started looking around rapidly, twisting your head from side to side to see where you were. You soon recognized the room and bed to be your own and saw the Russian man sitting cross-legged next to you, eyes filled with concern, worry, and fear for you.

You quietly screeched “P-Polar bear n-now I need i-it” Russia ran over to the doorway where you had dropped it earlier and grabbed it for you. You snatched it up from his hands and clutched it with one hand, digging your nails into its soft fur. Ivan moved closer to you and pulled you into his lap, hugging your shaking form tightly and running his hand through your hair.

Unfortunately this was the most upset you had ever been and this didn’t help slow down your sobbing. He started singing the lullaby that was soothing to you both in normal cases but did nothing this time.

 He lifted you up and sat you on the bed in front of him. “Tell me what’s wrong sunflower, tell me what you saw, please.” He almost begged. You looked up at his wonderful purple eyes and started talking, fast, too fast for anyone to comprehend.


You almost yelled. You had said all of this in the matter of two seconds, rendering it impossible to understand. Even if it had been said slower you weren’t making much sense between the crying and broken sentences.

At this point dove forward to bury your face in Russia’s chest. You were still bawling and nothing that usually helped you was working to console you in the least. Suddenly an idea flew into Ivan’s head.

He once again lifted you up and placed you in front of him, facing the tall blonde. “Hey, I need you close your eyes for me, ok? Please, I promise you it will help. But I can’t do this with you looking.” “I c-cant, she will come b-back.” You responded, through sobs. “Yes you can, I believe in you and it will only be for a minute, Da?” This made you trust him a bit more and you said “Ok.”

You squeezed your eyes shut, still bawling as you felt some sort of fabric wind around your neck several times. “Ok, you can open your eyes now.” You opened your eyes and gasped. Around both your and Ivan’s necks was his scarf. The one no one was allowed to go near, much the less wear. “(F/N), this scarf has always made me feel safe when I was scared and calmed me when I was upset.

I can see how terrible that dream was for you and wanted to help you feel safe. This scarf has gotten me through so many bad experiences that I wouldn’t have gotten through otherwise. I wanted you to feel what that was like, so I shared it. You understand, Da?” You had stopped crying and you were so surprised that he had done this for you that your mouth was hanging open. 

You looked into his eyes and tears rolled down your cheeks again. You smiled lightly and hugged him. “Thank you so much, you don’t what this means to me. This makes me feel a million times better. I can tell how much it took for you to share this with me. I will never forget this, that I promise.” You were tempted to kiss him but held back and just hugged him tightly.

You yawned and glanced at the clock, it was 2:23 AM and all of the crying had tired you out and you knew the nightmare would not return that night. You reclosed your now dry eyes and unwound the scarf so Russia could put it back on completely and after that you both lied down and fell asleep once again.

But for the second time that night a storm was brewing. And 47 minutes later lightning struck.

Was it what you expected? Sorry for another cliffhanger. This chapter was probably a bit confusing but feel free to ask me anything. Also im working on several other stories that i may or may not publish. A DenNor, A UsUk, A Spamano, and a Hetalia crossover into a game/anime of which i wont reveal. The DenNor is doing quite well and i have a feeling the first chapter will go up soon but ill let you know. Ciao - Sachiko<3

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