Chapter 20

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Hallo everyone, im super sorry about the lack of updates, ive been busy with school abd stuff, but to make up for it i will try and post an extra chapter either today or tommorow. in other news im going to be starting up a Hetalia Mpreg oneshot book in a day or two, some of them will be sad but ill make sure to keep most of them happy. hope you enjoy this chapter, Ciao- Sachiko<3

You awoke to the sound of camera shutters. You opened your eyes and saw Japan and Hungary taking photos of you and Ivan. You didn’t move because he was still asleep but you gave them a light glare and they held up their hands in surrender. They walked out of the room, Japan with a considerable limp.

You smirked at him, knowing he and Greece must have hooked up last night. He stuck his tongue out and closed the door. At this point you noticed the semi awkward position you were in. Your head was on Russia’s chest, one hand in his hair, another on his bare stomach. You assumed his shirt had slid up a bit in his sleep.

Damn, he was more ripped than you thought. He had some serious abs and a few scars marking them up. Your legs were tangled with his, which made you blush. You booped him on the nose a few times until he opened his eyes. He smiled softly and booped you back.

You giggled and yawned, not wanting to get up. He looked down and noticed the position you guys were in. He turned deep red and sat up, you doing the same. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom, returning in his normal clothes.

You both walked downstairs where many of the other countries were awake as well. Many of the males were limping from the ‘activities’ they had partaken in last night. Germany was carrying Italy, who claimed he couldn’t walk. Denmark and Norway were both limping and got a few jokes tossed at them, to which they ignored as Norway started searching for some butter.

You made coffee for everyone and gave anyone who was limping or had a headache some aspirin. You were happy you didn’t have much of a hangover and Russia felt the same. Most of the others had either a headache or an assache. Lithuania came down the stairs leaning on Poland’s shoulder, which caused a lot of giggles from the Baltics and Russia. Slowly everyone left except for Denmark, Japan, Hungary, Romano, Italy, Russia, and you.

Romano’s neck was marked up as fuck but to your surprise he wasn’t limping. When you had seen Spain he couldn’t even talk, he was so hoarse. You now understood why. Romano refused to talk about it but blushed an almost purple color when you asked him if he had topped. He and Italy left soon after.

Eliza showed you all the pictures she and Kiku had gotten. They emailed them to you and left, both having meetings later in the day. You decided to question Denmark on why he was limping. He blushed and said Norway wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine and he had agreed. You stopped him there, not really needing all of the details. He rushed out after, still pink in the face and not able to walk well.

You decided to start cleaning up all the mess from the party. Russia helped you pick up the cups and bowls that had spread out all over the house. After half an hour Russia came into the room you were in at the time and booped you on the nose from behind. You giggled and turned around, booping him back. “Hey there Vanya, did you need something?”You asked, wondering why he had talked to you so suddenly.

He turned a light shade of pink and responded, “I want to take you out now. You should get dressed, it’s not fancy so you don’t have to dress nice. If it’s not too weird I want to pick out the outfit you wear.”

You gave him a weird look as his blush deepened to a bright red and he stared at the wall. You nodded once and said “Ok I suppose, let’s go upstairs to my room. You can look at the stuff I have, just nothing silly. I don’t want to look crazier than I am.”

“Da, I won’t go overboard.” You both walked up the stairs to your walk in closet. You sat on the bed outside while Ivan flipped through all of the hanging shirts and dresses until he found something he liked. He pulled the hanger off the rack and threw it over his arm. He walked to the other part of the closet where you kept your pants and pulled out a pair. He came back out and tossed the items toward you.

You caught them with one hand and held them up. The shirt he picked out was a silky long sleeved shirt with a sunflower pattern. Little did he know this was one of your favorites. The pants were black skinny jeans that looked wonderful on you. You grinned at his taste in clothing and stood up. “Nice job Ivan, this is a great outfit. Do you think I have time for a quick shower, my hair is terrible and I could really use one?”

“Da, I will keep cleaning up while you’re in there.”

“Awesome, thanks. You planning on telling me where we are going? I really want to know.” “Nope, it’s a surprise. I have all of it planned though.”

You pouted and giggled at him, then grabbed your clothes and ran to the bathroom. You showered fast and had turned off the water when you noticed something. You forgot the damn towel. “Shit.” You said out loud.

You didn’t really know what to do. If you were home alone it wouldn’t have mattered, you could have just walked out and got one. Since Russia was here and you couldn’t just go around naked, you contemplated just putting the clothes on. You decided against it because that shirt didn’t dry very well and skinny jeans were almost impossible to put on while your legs were wet. You only had one real choice here. You cracked open the door and called out “Ummm, Ivan? Can you come here for a moment?”

“Yes, one moment. Are you ok?”

“Yes im fine but I forgot to grab a towel, can you get me one?” you could see through the crack that he had turned red and looked quite embarrassed. “Please Vanya, I can’t put the clothes on until I get a towel.”

“Da, one moment please.” He walked off and returned a minute later. You had the door closed again but could hear his footsteps returning from the laundry room. “I have to open the door to give you the towel, is that ok?”

You blushed and responded “Yeah, its ok. Just stick your arm in and I’ll get the towel.

 The door slowly opened a few inches and Russia stuck his arm in. You grabbed the towel and the door clicked shut immediately. You toweled off and pulled on the clothing Ivan had picked out. The shirt and jeans went great together and you smiled.

You opened the door and walked out, a still pink Russia on the other side. You gave him a quick hug and said “Thank you Vanya.”

“It was no problem, although you may want to keep a few in there for next time.”

“I’ll remember that. Do you want me to do anything with my hair at all?”

“Just leave it down, I like it that way. Plus it will look nice when your sk…” He closed his mouth, as if he had said too much. You gave him a confused look and poked him.

“You almost gave away the surprise, didn’t you?” He just turned pink and looked away. You grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs.

Hope you guys enjoyed, btw we are nearing 1000 reads! i cant believe so many people have been reading and enjoying my story. hope you guys like the new layout i put this chapter into. Anyone else watch Tokyo Ghoul? im enjoying it a lot, i just got up to date on it the other day. I changed up the general uke's a bit for fun. have a nice day,

Ciao- Sachiko<3

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