Chapter 35

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  After le frickle frackle *giggles*

"Sunflower, are you alright? You are bleeding a little bit."

"Don't worry Vanya, im fine. It doesn't even hurt anymore." You replied, snuggling into the bare chest of the man beside you.

  You had just finished 'becoming one' as Ivan had declared it. Canada had been right; it had been a bit awkward and a bit painful at first, but Ivan had been so sweet. The whole time he had made sure you were okay, being as careful as he could not to hurt you.

 Over all, your first times had been magical, one of the best experiences you had ever had.


"Yes, what is it?"

"I love your eyes so much. They are so pretty, I can see so much in them."

"(F/N), was I okay? I really hope I didn't hurt you too much."

"Ivan, you were perfect. That was the most wonderful experience I've ever had. And you didn't hurt me at all, that was going to happen the first time anyway. I couldn't have imagined a better first time than being with you. How about me, was I any good?"

"You couldn't have been any better, especially for your first time. Would you like to get cleaned up? You're bleeding a little still and we are both messy, not to mention the sheets."

"Yes, I would. Plus im starving and its getting close to dinner time. Although I really don't wanna move, im so comfy next to you."

"If we don't Finland and England are going to find us both naked in here and I don't think that will go over well."

"Ugh, your right. We may as well get up and take a shower; you can go first if you want."

"Nyet, you can. Or we could go together if you would like."

"Sure, but no funny business, im way too tired for that."

He stood up and stretched, giving you quite the view. He really was fucking hot, snowy hair messy and spiky, bruises and bite marks on his chest and neck, a real smile plastered onto his face.

You whistled at him and he smirked back and said "You like the view, Da?"

"Mhm, you look pretty damn good marked up like that. I've always liked your scars but I like the marks I make even better." You said, returning his smirk.

You tried standing up but the second you did a wave of sharp pain ran through you. You sat back down, crying out a bit as a second wave swept through you. "Ow, I guess you really did do a number on me then, im barely going to be able to walk for the next day or two."

A look of concern swept over Russia's face "I'm sorry, would you like anything? I did not mean to do this you."

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault that you're so, um, well-endowed shall we put it. And maybe some pain killers would be nice. It's in the bathroom cupboard."

He walked off to the bathroom returning with a few small pills and a glass of water. You swallowed them down quickly, hoping they would work fast. "Would you still like a bath"

"Yes, especially because I can't stand too well. The heat will probably help too."

"Ok, I will get it started."

He walked back to the bathroom, and soon you could hear the sound of water rushing from the tap. After a moment Ivan walked out and sat next to you, grabbing your hand. He wasn't wearing his scarf, so you could see that one scar that he hated so much.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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