Chapter 19

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Hi everybody, whats going on? Heres the next update for you guys, curtesy of Pocky. I just bought out my walmarts stock of chocolate Pocky, which was only 6 but still. hope you enjoy, Ciao- Sachiko<3

You were half way up the stairs when you noticed something, Russia was not with you. You ran back down and saw him lying on a couch, face deep in thought. “Hey Vanya, why are you down here?” “Ack, hi (F/N). I figured you wanted your space, not to have to deal with me when you are so tired. This is true, Da?”

He asked, looking away so as to not stare. “Not at all, you don’t bother me, you never have. I saw that there were a lot of storm clouds and I don’t want you to deal with that alone. I know how badly they affect you. Let’s go find a room upstairs, ok?”

He nodded and stood up, walking towards the stairs. France smirked at you both, obviously making assumptions. You flipped him the bird and followed Ivan up the stairs.

You opened the door to the first bedroom to find England pinning America to the bed and taking off his shirt. You backed out immediately and blushed. They hadn’t even noticed you open the door.

The next room was full as well. Sweden and Finland were in there, continuing what had gone on in the closet. You tried again, only to find Mathias and Lukas shirtless and making out. You could hear loud Spanish and Italian yells from the next one and just backed away.

Russia opened the next one to find Lithuania and Poland together, cuddling. He grinned and shut the door. Two more doors contained Italy finally getting the make out session he missed during Truth or Dare and Canada and Prussia settling up for the Pocky game. Finally you found an empty room and plopped onto the bed.

Russia sat down next to you as you yawned and took off your shoes. He looked nervous, as though he didn’t know what you planned on doing. “Thank you for today. This wouldn’t have happened without you. Tomorrow when we go wherever it is your taking me, I want to try and do something. I don’t know how it will go but I have to try.”

“Ok, I will help you. I am happy that Lithuania found someone. I think he and Poland will go well together.” “Me too, they are very cute together. Speaking of Poland, me and him will meet you here next Tuesday very early so we can get you ready for the meeting.” Russia’s face immediately fell a little

“You actually meant that then, im going to look terrible in a dress. I can’t just do something else?” “Nope, Poland’s already on board and im not letting you get out of this. I think a dress will look adorable on you and I can’t wait to see. For now I think we should sleep. It’s going to be hell to clean up tomorrow and we need our energy. Feel free to use the bathroom or anything.”

You started slipping off the sweater you had on, not wanting it to get messed up. Russia was staring, a shocked look on his face. “What, this thing was really expensive. Im not going to sleep in it. Don’t worry im keeping the tank top on.” “Oh, ok. Sorry for staring. I was just unsure of what you were doing. Forgive me, Da?” “Sure. Its fine” You slipped off the skirt you had on, leaving you in leggings and a tank top. Russia was blushing again at the slight strip act and looked away.

 You climbed into bed as he went to the bathroom. When he returned he was wearing the pink boxers from last night and a thin long sleeve shirt that looked hot on him, as well as his scarf. He crawled next to you and said “Are you sure its ok for me to be here with you, im not a bother, Da?”

“Don’t worry Vanya, im fine with this. And if you get woken up by a storm or anything, anything at all, please wake me up so I can help you. I know how bad storms are for you and I have a feeling you’re a light sleeper.” “I will, I promise. Will you be ok tonight, that nightmare was really bad and I don’t want you to have it again if I can help it.”

You glanced at the time and saw it was 3:15, then nodded. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me, just go to sleep. If anything happens I will tell you” “Ok, you should sleep too.” You both snuggled down in the warm blanket and before long Russia’s breathing slowed down and steadied. You assumed he was asleep and decided to do something. You leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips, only for a moment.

You had been wanting to all day and had been too scared of screwing everything up.  He turned away from you in his sleep and you started to think out loud.

“Vanya, I don’t know how to think right now. Between the song you sang and the way I felt when we kissed, im so confused. I’ve liked you for so long but never said a word in fear of you hating me for it. Now I like you even more and I can’t tell how you feel. Tomorrow im going to show you how I feel and hope you won’t leave me. I still can’t place what you meant in that song. There was some feeling behind it that I can’t place and desperately wish I could. All I can do is wait and prepare for the worst I suppose. Hopefully I won’t screw up too much.”

Little did you know Russia had heard every word you had said, and could barely contain his feelings.

You kissed him lightly once more and then snuggled down, grabbing his hand in the process. You fell asleep within minutes and a few minutes later Russia turned over. You were sound asleep and didn’t notice.

He kissed you and smiled, so glad that he had woken up when he did. He then snuggled back down, still smiling and cuddled with you. After that he fell asleep for a few hours, until thunder shocked him awake. He sat up and looked at you. He was scared to death of storms and didn’t want to be alone but also didn’t want to wake you from the peaceful sleep you appeared to be having.

Thunder shattered the silence and made Ivan yelp. He decided that he couldn’t go through this alone and shook your arm. You immediately woke up and knew what was happening.  You scooted over to where he was and crawled into his lap. He hugged you tightly but not to where you couldn’t breathe.

One hand started rubbing his back slowly while the other ran through his soft hair. You had never told him but you loved his hair. It was soft as a kitten and reminded you of snow, which you loved. He was shaking quite a bit before but was doing better after you hugged him.

You decided to talk to him and see if that would help as well. “Hey, Vanya?  Besides today, have you ever kissed anyone? I just wanted to know because even though they were short the kisses you gave me today were, well, um… good.”

 You were blushing brighter than the sun and hoped Ivan couldn’t see it very well. “No, I have not. I always wanted to wait for someone I truly cared about and until recently there wasn’t anyone I felt that way about. Bela has tried to kiss me many times but I am stronger than her and could fend her off. I am still sorry that I stole your first kiss. I didn’t know you had never kissed anyone and you deserve better than some silly dare kiss to be your first.”

“I told you, it’s ok. The kiss was good and even though it was a dare it still meant a little to me. And technically I stole yours as well, so im sorry about that.” “How’s about we call it even, Da? I am not mad that my first kiss was you. But you said I was a good kisser, I think that was just a silly compliment. You seemed very good too even though you were surprised.”

“I meant what I said Ivan, you’re a good kisser. The storms quieted down a bit, would you like to try and sleep?” “I don’t know if I can. Even a little thunder scares me and I don’t like rain sounds either.”

“How about this, lie down and ill snuggle with you. That way we can both fall asleep and you won’t be so scared. I get cold easily anyway and you can help keep me warm.” “Da, this might work.”

Russia lied down and you did the same. He was trembling a little but nowhere near as bad as before. You curled up against him and grabbed his hand. He looked a bit surprised but didn’t let go. You were facing each other and he was blushing a deep pink. You fell asleep this way until morning, the nightmare you had expected never showing up for some strange reason.

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