Chapter 25

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The sign on the front of the building read “LASER TAG!?!?” although without all caps and no question marks. That was just what it would have looked like if the sign read the same as your scream. Your smile stretched to your ears as Russia set you down gingerly and pulled you inside.

Beyond the glass doors was a large dark room. The only lighting was black lights attached to the ceiling and walls. Both of you grinned as you put on the suits and made sure you were on the same team. When the doors opened you both ran forward, careful to stay low and cling to the walls. You both loved this game and never lost.

You had a good strategy for this, designed mostly by Ivan with his years of military experience, a few parts done by you. Suddenly someone appeared in front of you, who was immediately shot by Ivan. The guy scowled at you both and walked away. 

You both moved onward, Russia glancing behind every so often. The object was only to not be shot, not escape.  You turned to Ivan to discuss you next move when you saw a figure peeking at you from behind a wall. You shot at the shadow covered girl, a bell ringing out as your shots connected with her vest. As she stomped off you high fived Russia, before creeping forward.

You could hear footsteps to your left and backed up. You hid behind a corner and sniped them as they passed. Only two people remained for you to defeat. Russia motioned for you to hop on his back and leaned down. You hopped on, holding onto his neck with your left arm. He shuddered a little but you ignored it, not finding it important at the time.

You always liked to change it up a little at the end, make it a little more of a challenge. Ivan sprinted forward as you yelled “WERE GOING TO NARNIA BITCHES! COME AND STOP US!” You didn’t want to have to hunt for the remaining competitors so you sent out a call. Ivan shot the first as they turned a corner, ambushed. You shot the other from over Ivan’s shoulder and cheered.

The normal lights turned on and Russia walked out, you still on his back. You were gripping his shoulders and laughing, overjoyed with the victory. You wanted to play a second round but Russia checked the time and pulled you away. You were a bit disappointed that you were leaving but you figured Russia had a plan of some sort.

You got into the car, twirling your braid around your finger while you waited for Ivan. He had made sure you got in alright and then shut the door. He was leaning against his own, talking on the phone. You craned your neck and saw he was blushing a bit.

He discussed something with the person on the other end, then smiled and hung up. He opened the door and folded his legs into the seat, still grinning and flushed. “What you so happy about over there?”

“You’ll see later, for now we need to go. I don’t want the stuff to get messed up.” Ivan said, starting the car.

“What stuff? Another surprise or something?”

“Da it is a surprise, im pretty sure you’ll like it. Im sorry for having to leave so abruptly but I got a message saying everything was ready so I wanted to get started”

He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, turning right. You had no idea where you were headed but you hoped it involved food. You were starving from the ice skating and the walking. The short ride was spent quietly, and you just messed with your braid.

When you were stopped at a stupidly long stop light you leaned over to Russia. He looked at you, a confused look in his eyes. You tickled his nose with the end of your braid and he laughed loudly. He had always been ticklish and you loved abusing that power.

You pulled away as the light turned green and you moved onward. You began thinking, about how Russia was so strange but wonderful. Sometimes he was serious and calm but sometimes he was spontaneous, almost childlike. You loved both sides of him.

 On the few occasions when he got really mad, the kind that caused a dark purple aura to appear on him, you were one of the few who could calm him down. He would always listen to you, no matter what. You knew that you would need to get him alone and talk to him. He trusted you fully and talking to him, about anything at all, would calm him down.

A simple ten minute conversation and all hints of anger would fade from his face. Arthur had told you that when Ivan was around you, his aura was a soft pink, similar to his scarf. You didn’t really know why he told you that but figured he was just trying to make conversation. You wished you could see auras like the magic trio could. You were still staring off into space when the car parked once again. 

Noot noot, you guys like? Chapter 2 of CorpseTalia is on its way, should be out within an hour or so. Have a nice day, Ciao- Sachiko<3

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