Chapter 3

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Okay guys im super sorry this is late. My online time is being mega restricted now so updates will be a tad unpredictable and im super upset about it. Ill try to get the next one up in two days to make up for this one being late. Hope you guys are enjoying this story. Turns out the chapters are smaller than i thought they were but oh well. I cant wait to get a little feedback cause im not really sure if its good or not. I love all my mega AWESOME readers. You are almost as awesome as Prussia but not quite. Hope you guys are doing well- Sachiko<3

You decided to start running a hand through his hair, since that tended to help you when you got this upset. You started to whisper in his ear, just little things like "Don't worry, it's okay" and "Shh, I've got you, it's gonna be okay".

Little things that were designed to help him feel better, things that you meant every word of. You doubted it would help or that he cared or noticed a word you were saying. Little did you know, the words you were whispering softly to him meant the world to Ivan.

Before long his bawling lessened to a medium level sob. You continued playing with his hair and then an idea sparked into your brain. You started humming an old Russian lullaby that Ivan had sung to you many times before.

Whenever you had a breakdown in class or in the hall, he would scoop you up bridal style, run you out to the school sunflower garden, sit down on the bench in the middle of the flower field with you in his lap, and started singing the same lullaby each time while running his hands through your (H/C) locks.

Within 20 minutes you would stop crying and fall asleep. He would sit with you in the midst of the flowers you both loved for an hour or two until you woke up and then drove you home. You started singing the beautiful song that you had long ago memorized and soon after that Russia stopped sobbing and quieted down tremendously, with only the occasional hiccupy sigh interrupting your melodious singing.

I hope you enjoyed this stupidly short chapter. Sorry if you don't sing but i kinda needed it for the story so just pretend i guess. Lemme know what you think about the story so far. The next chapter is a flash back into how you met Ivan so look forward to that i suppose. Ciao- Sachiko<3

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