Jungkook- Crazy Maknae 🤪

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* I don't own the names, characters, songs, lyrics, company names. They belong to BTS and BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT CO LTD* (* 이름, 캐릭터, 노래, 가사, 회사명은 소유하지 않습니다. 그들은 BTS와 BIGHIT Entertainment Co. LTD* 소속입니다.)

One gloom full Thursday-

******Flashback to 1st story******

*******Jungkook POV:*******

Me: "So he didn't die?" I ask hesitantly. 

Jin-hyung: "No he didn't, and they fixed the hole in the ground as well. PDmin thinks you should go to a mental institution for now. Pack your things.." Jin sadly says. 

Me: "WHAT!!!"

****We are back to present time****

Jungkook POV: 

Me: "Why me!? I'm not crazy!!" 

Jin-hyung: "Umm, you're being a bit crazy now. Like the time you JABBED A NEEDLE INTO MY SHOULDER, RENDERING ME UNCONSCIOUS!!!!" Jin says annoyed. 

Me: "Well if you didn't threaten to tell, I wouldn't have done it!!" We continue yelling at each other until...

???: "JEON JUNGKOOK! PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK AND STEP FORWARDS!" A tall muscular man shouts through a megaphone. I do as I'm told, and he handcuffs me. Why of all people, me!!!

****Time Skip**** (I'm lazy ok and i have a test soon)

I'm in this weird room, padded with white cushions and I'm in a straight jacket.. AM I GONNA DIE? I suddenly feel tired, but I want to stay awake! I will not fall asleep.

5 mins later:

Nevermind I'm bored, peace out.

*******Seokjin's POV: ********

Me: "I hope Jungkook is okay. I regret telling him because... PDmin didn't say he had to go. I did but I lied to him and now he'll never trust me again and then-" *rambles on and on* 

Me: "AAAARGH" I yell in frustration. I'm so mad at myself I don't know what to do.

****2 mins later****

 Me: "Where are those blades?" I whisper to myself. I found them. This is what I deserve for getting Jungkook in a mental institution! I slash my arm quickly. This is what I get for ruining his career! I make a larger slash than before. 

And this is what I get for every mean thing I did to him!!! I make multiple large slashes. Ugh, this stupid silicone arm isn't holding up! I just want to use it so I don't get to the point of using my own arm!

*******Namjoon's POV:********

Where is Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, and Yoongi? They've been missing for almost a week. Well Jin was here for the most part but I need to tell them something, specifically Jin and Yoongi first. I have a crush...on my best friend. NO not Yoongi or Jin, my other best friend Jackson. Anyways, I'mma see if Jin knows where the other 3 are at. 

Me: "Jin hyung? Are you in there?" I ask as I'm knocking. 

Me: "Hello? I'm coming in!" As soon as I open the door I saw something that I never thought I'd see. I see Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi on the bed together watching Finding Nemo. 

Me: "Guys! I was looking for you all! Where were ya"ll and where is Jungle book" I see Jin signal Yoongi and Jimin out. Jimin looks like he's hiding something on his side. I say, 

Me: "Jin, where were you and the others?" He looks hesitant but finally says, 

Jin-hyung: "Okay! Jimin fell through the floor and Jungkook believed that he had psychic powers and Yoongi believed him but I didn't and then Jungkook stabbed me with a needle and told me to tell no one Jimin was hurt. Then I snook Jimin to the hospital and the doctors almost killed him, meaning Jungkook's "visions" were true but STUPID I called a mental Hospital on Jungkook and lied to his face by saying PDmin said he should go for a while which he really didn't and now I hate myself!!" Just as he says that one of our songs plays 'I love, I love, I love mah self, I know, i know, I know mah self' how ironic. But then I process what Jin just said and I scream at the thought 


I am going to end this chapter, for now, comment if you want more, please!

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