Jimin: Sleeping Beauty 🛏

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Amo_a_pixeles_ thank you for your submission!

It's been a while since Jimin has gotten proper sleep. Hours to days, weeks to even months with little to no rest has left the poor band member on empty when it came to energy.

-- Present Day, 1st POV

I open my eyes, groggily stretching as I look at my surroundings. I can't believe I fell asleep in the studio again. Picking myself off of the ground, I quietly gather things before walking upstairs into the main building. My phone buzzes in my pocket; before opening it, I notice the time is currently 5:00 am.
Now sliding my lockscreen away, I skim over a message from manager-nim. He says he's outside of the company building, so I drag my heavy body out the door into the oddly confortable van.

"Jimin, didn't I tell you not to overwork yourself? This is the 5th time this week.." My manager lowly grumbles, gripping the steering wheel in a stressful manner.

I start to respond, but I get distracted by the streetlights and the gorgeous, dark sky. My eyes and mind get lost in it, drifting off into another land.
Having no concept of time in this dreamy world, I am abruptly ripped from it as manager-nim taps me on the shoulder.
I walk in to my apartment, collapsing onto my couch; not even a minute passes before I'm in a deep sleep.

-- Few Days Later, 3rd POV

Jimin may think that "nap" would've re-energized him for the week, but the following days will prove him so wrong, leading him to a last result for rest.

-- 1st POV

'Practice makes perfect' they say. But to be honest, practice is killing me now.
Practice, being mobbed, and not being able to sleep is just a part of my nora routine now. Even after working for hours a day, I still can't manage to fall asleep once I come home. Meditation, reading, hell counting sheep doesn't do anything for me..!

I do some research before finding "melatonin pills." Apparently they can make you fall asleep in minutes after taking them. Eh, I've got nothing to lose. I think to myself.

Disparity takes over me before I give in and buy some online. It arrived surprisingly quick, but nonetheless I settle into bed with the small purple bottle on my nightstand.

I take a couple.

30 minutes pass. nothing.

An hour passes. nada. I grab a few more and hope it'll do something finally.

The same process repeated, until I got infuriatingly impatient with waiting for nothing. I pour about a handful into my shaking palms. These will only knock me out for a few hours right? It can't be that bad..

I swallow all of them, a stinge of burning going down my throat. Laying back down onto my side, my breath becomes shallow before my eyes close automatically.

A few minutes go by until panic slowly rises up my chest. Why can I feel my heart beating so slow..? Though it's useless I check my pulse, weak rhythms flowing into my finger pressed against my wrist. The world suddenly goes black, any feeling blocked out by my unconsciousness.

I never woke up again.

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