Jungkook: Seven, Not Six. Yugyeom, Soobin 🏫🎒

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*Names, Songs, Lyrics, Characters, Are Owned by BTS/ BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT CO LTD and any other companies or groups mentioned. They aren't mine at all so don't sue me!

(This story includes themes of harm, bullying, and verbal abuse. If any of these subjects trigger you in any way, please skip to the next story. If not, happy reading!:)  -This also will probably make you cry.-

One school-filled Monday-

Jungkook's Point of View:

Like any other Monday, it's filled with school, homework, and long-lasting assignments which are sure to keep me up at 2 am, while still being a member of this group called BTS. It was originally supposed to be a hip-hop group but changed to K-pop for some reason. This caused a lot of backlash for Namjoon and Yoongi-hyung, or Rap Monster and SUGA.

I know Jin is going to wake me up for school in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. "Jungkook! Wake up for school, kid! Don't want to be late do you?" 

I yell back 'no', and get dressed. My uniform is a white shirt with a yellow blazer that black buttons and stripes on it. I fix my tie and put on my dress shoes since the school is very strict with the school dress code. I also pack my gym bag, which has my dance class clothing and gym class uniform which is just a grey t-shirt with black shorts/pants.

When I get to the table, I see pancakes with a note next to them. It reads out to say,


You probably notice that the house is empty. Well everyone is at Bighit or in the training quarters. I left you pancakes with blueberries inside of them. I know they are your favorite, and it's a Monday which is quote and quote 'the worst day of my life for you.

By the way, Hoseok is going to pick you up instead of me. I will be practicing our choreography and stuff, so I will probably be back home at 5 pm. Have a good day, and remember that no one is better than you, no matter how much they try and force that thought upon you.


When I finish reading the note, I eat my pancakes and head out for school, which is going to be very difficult. I have a bully called Yoonji Soobin, and he's the worst. If you are wondering why I don't call him hyung, it's because he'll beat you up if you look at him in the wrong lighting, or if you talk back or to him at all. He doesn't 'tolerate' anyone standing up for anyone or themselves. He also calls me a 'retard', 'worthless piece of crap', and 'a nobody who shouldn't be here.

I guess I'm taking the bus since no one's home, so I take the one nearest to the dorm. The bus ride is like 15 minutes, so I spend that time checking over my weekend homework, making sure I filled everything in and that it's correct. I have 6 classes in one day, which are English, math, science, gym, and my favorite, dance.

I get off of the bus and walk across the street to the school. It's a white and light yellow, 2 stories tall, and has over 10,000 students, which in my eyes is a lot of people. I only have one friend, Yugyeom-hyung who is a sophomore, so he is my 선배. (Seonbae, {sun-bay}; someone who has more experience than you at work or school. In school, if you were a freshman, a sophomore would be your 선배.)

As soon as I walk in, I see Yugyeom-hyung talking to his sister, which is odd because he usually dislikes talking to her in public. I wonder what they're talking about, so I walk over to them to listen in. Apparently, they are talking about what they are going to do after school without their managers knowing, which is definitely not a good idea. They could get kicked out of their groups, and go back to being a trainee. I hope they don't actually go through with the idea.

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