Yoongi: Hidden Request

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This is dedicated to @fairygarden3. I hope you enjoy it!

(Trigger warning: This chapter contains more angstiness, vulgar language, and graphic scenes that are fitted strictly for the storyline. If you would like a softer version, that would be taken into consideration.)

-------Yoongi's Point of View:


Oh, it's time for school... I guess dad isn't home from the lady's house yet. I heard dad saying that he needed to help the lady fix her washing machine. One day I want to fix washing machines too!

I walk out of my room to find a note on the wall in front of my door. It's from Eomma, and it says,

"Hey, Yoongi,

I made breakfast for you on the table and your uniform is on the back of the couch. Make sure you get to school before 9:00 am. I'll be on a work trip for 2 days, but time flies fast and I will be back before you know it! I have a surprise set up for your 10th birthday, and you'll definitely enjoy it.

Hopefully, your dad will be home and make you dinner. But if he isn't take out a frozen dinner from the freezer and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes. If those boys bully you again, make sure to stand up for yourself and fight back if it gets to that point.

I love you,


Well, I guess I have to fend for myself today. Dad is never around, and it worries me a bit. What if he got murdered or something?!! Huh, I guess I'm overreacting...

---- End of Yoongi's Point of View ----

--- 3rd Person Point of View -------

As Yoongi walked to school, he saw three boys who made his life a living hell. Joohyung, Liam, and Choi, also known as the Deck of Kards.

Joonhyung: "Hey bastard, why are you walking to school alone today? Oh yeah, you're always alone and you can't even stand up for yourself!"

Liam: "Oi! Why don't you have our lunch money, huh?" He says teasingly as he shoves me over to Choi.

Choi: "Oh, c'mon boys. We can deal with him later. I don't want to see his ugly face before going anywhere from now on." 

Choi winks at Yoongi and walks away with the other two. He was very confused and even came to an unbelievable conclusion that Choi liked him, he actually saved him from more trouble.

---- End of 3rd Person Point of View ----

---{After School}---

------- Yoongi's Point of View: 

What happened after school?? Choi pretty much saved my life and winked at me! Well, I guess I'm free now from Joonhyung and Liam. Maybe dad will come back home too and be proud for once. Maybe we could be together forever and dad won't be gone all the time leaving mom to care for me by herself. But maybe I'm wrong.

I spoke too soon.

Liam: "Well, well, well. Look at who we have here, the nerd once again!" He looks over at Joonhyung, instantly making him talk.

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