Jungkook: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger.

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So sorry for the late posting!! And for everyone else who requested, I'm working on them, but please PM me your requests and comment them.


"God, Jungkook, what the hell is wrong with you? You can't do anything right anymore!" my manager's voice echoes throughout my mind. Ever since I've hired this new manager, all he's done is make me exhausted in every way possible; mentally, physically, and emotionally, I'm tired. The only reason I haven't gotten rid of him is because the company admires his other work with idols from his portfolio. 

I escape my negative thoughts, continuing on my walk through the dim streets of Seoul, my iced coffee in one hand, a black leather gym bag in the other.  I arrive at the building, opening the silver metal doors, my shoes clicking on the dark brown wood floor as I enter my studio.  I start to pull out my phone to check the time, before I look up and notice a tall figure standing the middle of the room. 

"You're late. Get to training, bastard. You know what happens if you don't, right, Jungkook?" he scolds, raising an eyebrow at me, looking up and down. 

I nod in response, placing my stuff down before stretching my body.  My manager turns on the demo for my new single, causing me to immediately get into position, the choreography feeling like muscle memory. In the middle of the chorus, I nearly fall, causing my breathe to stop. I continue dancing, carefully watching for his expression. His stone-cold face doesn't falter, his arms remaining crossed as he stares intently at me. As soon as the song ended he came up to me, the slightest bit of annoyance showing on his face. Thwack! I instantly grab the side of my face, a stinging feeling left on my face.

"What the fuck was that? Do you really think your fans will allow such mistakes to be made on stage? On your debut stage, especially?" he yells, pulling me close by my collar.

"No, Beom-seok. I'm so—" I choke out before his hands wrap around my neck, squeezing hard, his slender fingers allowing their nails to stab into my skin, blood rolling down.

"Did you just call me by name?! It's sir to you." he bolted, his face becoming scrunched up. 

"I apologize, sir. I won't make a mistake again." I say, breathing heavily as he lets go of me, stomping away to start the music again.

Hours go by, listening to the same song hundreds of times before I was "mistake free." After the last round of the song, I collapse to the floor, my lungs burning. I can't even open my eyes to see all the bruises and marks left on my face, my body facing the mirror.

"Hey, dumbass! Get off the floor, you smell like shit. Y'know what, don't go home until you can dance a couple times without fucking fainting." he shouts, making a point to speak directly into my ears. He kicks me one more time before walking out, slamming the door shut. 

I practiced from moonlight to sunrise, working to become perfect, robotic even. The sun shines through the window, burning my eyes. I crawl towards the door, only to be greeted by the worst person possible, my manager.

"Well did you finally learn how to dance, loser? Don't flatter yourself." the dark-haired man booms, an evil grin growing across his face. 

As he scolds me, the sound of the door opening rings out through the building.

"Yeah, I'm so excited to see him after all of this time!" a familiar voice exclaims, blending in with the sounds of multiple footsteps. They come to a halt, seemingly right in front of us.

"I-It's not what you'd think it is, sirs. I can assure you he is fine, he just needed a little-"

"Correction...?  Is that what you were going to say? You asshole...!" another deep voice snarled. I looked up to see my bandmates, Jin standing over me, threateningly reach towards Beom-seok.

"You really thought we wouldn't find you again, after everything you've put us through?" Hoseok shot, his angered expression unwavering.

 The rest of the members nod in agreement, Jimin and Taehyung helping me up from the cold marble floor. I dust myself off, watching as our leader stalked up to my manager, a harsh scowl upon his face. He stopped suddenly, his fists clenched before he strikes. Smack!  A hand mark imprinted on Beom-seok's face, his hands gripping at his red and bloodied skin as Namjoon repeatedly hit him, before ending it off with a kick to the gut, forcing him to the ground.

"Get on your knees and apologize dickhead." he spat, crouching down to his ex-manager's level. He immediately complies, bowing and apologizing profusely. The taller male stands up, spitting on the shorter's head, stomping away.

The group gathers up, surrounding me comfortingly. 

"We got your back bro. We're sorry we let him get to you as well." Taehyung apologizes, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, he's done this shit to us too, and I'm sick of seeing it." Yoongi groans, resting his arms behind his head as he walks.

The rest of us share our experiences, having a few laughs as we made fun of our terrible manager. In the end, I got an amazing family for friends, and even a good manager; one who's respectful, kind, considerate, and more.

BTS sickfics/hurtfics Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora