Back for you (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: Can you write a Reggie x reader fic where reader was a part of the band in the 1995 and didn't die with the guys but then by some unfortunate accident, like a car accident or a drunk driver, dies a few months later and has been a ghost for 25 years and know modern slang and stuff? If Caleb could know her but not own her soul because she's superstitious and he reminds her of the fae that would be awesome! Sorry for the long ask and if you don't have the time to write it it's fine.

Prompt/summary: Reader dies after the boys and finds them in 2020 after years of being on her own.

Word Count: 1,595

Authors note: I've done car accidents in like 3 of my other fics so I decided to spice it up a little bit. Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted, you can always ask if I an rewrite it!


I wish I could've done something to stop them that night.

My life was cut so short, all because of a stupid hotdog. All I wanted in life was to belong somewhere and I finally had that with the band. They had dragged me out to that street dog stand before our biggest show at the Orpheum. Fortunately (but unfortunately) I only had time to take a bite or two of my food before I remembered Bobby and I had to unload the rest of the merch before call time.

I barely made it to the door.

I spent 6 days in the hospital, but the boys died that night. When I saw my body laying on the hospital bed with my family surrounding me I broke down. I still wonder why this happened.

I spent months wandering around LA, doing small jobs for other ghosts in exchange for food I could actually eat. I stole books and snuck into movies to pass my time while I waited to see if I would crossover to... anywhere. Isn't that's what ghosts do?

I had so many questions other than that. Why am I still here? Where were the boys? Were they together? If they were, why wasn't I with them?

Some of those were answered when Caleb found me outside the Orpheum.

"If you shake my hand, I can help you. You can perform at my club for thousands of legends. You'll get the best foods, equipment, clothes. All that if you just come with me."

The offer was tempting. I had always wanted to be known as an artist but something didn't sit right with me. Maybe it was the look on his eye, or the fact I ran into a ghost boy earlier that week with the same symbol on his wrist, regardless I turned it down. Claiming I wanted to explore the world a little more before I settle down. And with that I left.

For the next 20 years I wandered around the US. Poofing only could take me so far, and I could only do it to places I'm familiar with. Eventually with time and power I had gained from being in this realm I managed to open up a shop. Only ghosts could see it of course but everyone was welcome to come and spend time there with me. I gathered books from all over and let people trade them out on the various shelves that spread throughout the room.

The entryway was located in the same alleyway the backstage door to the Orpheum was. Some might say it's morbid to live right near the spot you died but I say it's only closure. Closure to the short life I got to live.

The only thing I ask from my patrons is a drink or a song. Once that's paid they're allowed to stay as long as they'd like and are free to come and go as they please as long as they make that payment every time they come back.

It made the time a lot less lonely, I spent so much time searching for where the boys could've possibly ended up that I forgot I needed to focus on myself for a while.

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