Number One Fan ( Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: Yes!

Pairing: Reggie x reader, Luke x sister! reader

Prompt/summary: The reader is Luke's younger sister. Her and Reggie were dating in the 90s and she finally gets closure after 20 years

Word Count: 2,136

Warnings: some angst I guess

Authors note: I already had a similar idea to this so I'm gonna take some ideas from what I already had written. I had to simplify this a little bit, but I hope you enjoy!

The door finally swung open after what felt like a century. Seeing dad standing there brought up feelings I had tried to run away from, feelings I tried to fix and shut out but never truly could. He pulled me into a tight hug and wiped some of my tears away. This is how it went every single year on his birthday, no one truly spoke but everyone knew there was nothing to say.

I still remember the night Luke ran away. My parents tried their best to pry where he was staying out of me but I never let them, I just couldn't betray my brother like that. Besides they treated him terribly after they found out about the band. I guess I still blame them for him never coming home.

After the candle was blown out and the cake was cut I took mine into Luke's room to eat. I knew he'd be proud since our parents used to be super strict about no food in the bedroom and I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity. His room was still the same, even after 20 years. Posters of his favorite bands hung on the walls, his guitar sat on its stand in the corner. I only knew one song that he taught me, but it's become the only thing that feels close to him. The strings hadn't been replaced in years and I could see the exact spot where his fingers had worn away the metal leaving it smooth and thin. It still sounded beautiful after all this time.

I felt something in the room shift. Goosebumps formed on my arms as I felt something soft wrap around me. It was barely there. If I wasn't paying attention I would've missed it entirely with how the air seemed to wrap around me. Tears fell down my face as I put the guitar up and grabbed the empty plate, trying to make sense of what happened.


It wasn't even a few days later when there was another ring from the doorbell. Dad answered it and let the girl inside.

"Julie lives in the house the band used to rehearse in," Dad said as I walked into the living room, "She was just telling me she found a song that Luke wrote."

"It's a song about a girl named Emily?" Julie questioned.

Mom gasped, "I'm Emily..."

"Then I think your son may have written this song for you," Julie said.

I took the paper out of her hands slowly, looking over my brother's handwriting and scribbles that covered the paper. I turned to my mom and nodded while handing it to her.

"I need some air," I said. I walked out the front door and leaned against the hood of my car trying to catch my breath.

It wasn't too long after that Julie finally walked outside. She saw me and put her hands in her back pockets before walking over slowly.

"Your Luke's sister?" she asked.

"Yes," I said, I wiped the tears off of my face, "and Reggie's girlfriend back in the day."

"Oh," she said, I could tell she was shocked and I giggled at her wide eyes.

I took a deep breath, "Did you find his songwriting notebook? I've tried searching for it for years, it wasn't in his stuff when he..."

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