Winner Takes All (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: (wattpad @junhossmile) Can you do a Reggie x Reader Reader also has a Band and both bands meet each other on something like a competition. And even though they are rivals in this competition, Reggie and Reader find some interest in each other.

Prompt/summary: Reader is competing against the Phantoms at a Battle of the Bands and Reggie tries to catch her attention

Word Count: 1,645

Authors note: 1995 setting AGAIN I KNOW I"M SORRY THIS JUST FIT THE BEST


To say I was competitive was a little bit of an understatement.

I wanted to win, I expected to win, I was going to win. No if's and's or but's about it honestly. My band was good, everyone at our high school said we were going to make it big one day. Call me cocky but the music we made really came from our hearts and everyone involved was so passionate it was hard to ignore us when we were on stage.

That energy really needed to show through tonight.

We signed up for this battle of the bands a few weeks ago, since then we haven't stopped rehearsing and preparing our song for tonight's show. Some record execs were here and we knew that we really had to stand out.

"Alright everyone," I said, my other two bandmates gathered around me, "We're going to do awesome tonight. We've worked so hard for this. Lizzy, make sure we're together on the harmonies, and Carmen make sure you're keeping our tempo up. This is it guys."

Lizzy slung her arms around our shoulders to pull us into a group hug.

"Up next, Sunset Curve!"

We all stood in the wings of the stage watching the band before us play. Honestly, they were amazing. The way they all seemed to play off of each other made me a little nervous. They were almost as good as us, and that's me being generous.

"Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising
Up right now
And even if we hit the ground
We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never"

The bass player looked over at us and sent a wink our way. I could only roll my eyes and we both shared the same smirk as he locked eyes with me once again. He was pretty cute honestly but by the way he carried himself I knew he was just as confident as I was which made me a little weary. Boys like that think to highly of themselves. By the end of the song the girls and I were smiling and dancing along to the music.

"They're good," Lizzy smirked.

"Not as good as us, we're going to kill it."

We all got into one more group hug as the announcer finally came back on stage to introduce us.

"For our final band of the night, please give a big round of applause for Lock and Key!"

Lizzy and I ran up to the microphones as Carmen took her spot at the drum set. I smiled and gave each of them a thumbs up before Carmen kicked off the song with her drums sounding like a heartbeat.

"This is gospel for the fallen ones

Locked away in permanent slumber

Assembling their philosophies

From pieces of broken memories"

I looked out over the crowd trying to get a feel for how they were responding during the first chorus. Saw a few nodding their heads, saw a few still looking at their phones. I looked over at Lizzy when the first chorus hit, making sure our harmonies were together and grabbing the crowds attention immediately causing some cheers to erupt.

Julie and the Phantoms ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora