The Other Side of Hollywood (Caleb Covington x daughter!reader)

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Request: (wattpad @Arantxa191104) I wanted to see if you could make a Reggie x reader where the reader was Caleb's daughter that died in the same accident as Caleb and always blamed him for her death

Prompt/summary: Caleb Covington's daughter had always held resentment for her father after her untimely death, would a couple ghosts boys make her act on it?

Word Count: 2,009

Authors note: This turned out a lot longer than I expected so I hope it does well!


Father was a very different person before the Ghost Club.

He was an honorable man back then. Performing magic to get me through school and bring food home to mother, and he always pulled through on his promises.

His shows were the highlight of my week back then. He was a force to be reckoned with when he was on that stage performing all the tricks he had created in the week prior. It gave me an escape from school and the miserable life living in the Great Depression gave. I had never expected our lives to take a turn like that but on that one terrible night it did.

"Father promise me you'll be careful."

"I will sweetheart. I've been practicing this trick all week and I've got it down to a science, nothing can go wrong. I promise after tonight, everyone will know our names."

But as the building went up in flames I realized that he broke his first promise that night. And his second he kept for all the wrong reasons.

About two years (or maybe 10, I lost track quickly) after our deaths he had started the Hollywood Ghost Club. Trading nifty tricks he had learned in his life for unimaginable power that came with owning souls.

And I saw the way the power corrupted him like the deadliest drug.

Except now we couldn't die. Just not exist anymore.

He had offered me the same power, but I knew I did not want the same fate as my father who had now become nothing but a stranger to me. The fancy costumes and neverending food had never had their charm on me like he had hoped and soon enough I was out on my own. Walking around for centuries trying desperately to keep myself entertained. Eventually, I found that as Caleb grew stronger, so did I. The power scared me at first, but I soon realized it came from my own energy and not wherever my father got his from.

Even though I wasn't at the club anymore I still hung around to keep an eye on things. Warning ghosts that seemed too naive to make their own decision. Willie, one of Caleb's most recent catches, noticed my presence very early on but unfortunately not early enough seeing as his soul was already Caleb's before I could step in.

After a long while I started to think of him as a close friend. Something I hadn't had in a long time.

"Where you going skater boy?"

Willie turned with a nervous look on his face, "Oh, nowhere."

"Of course," I scoffed as I pushed myself off the wall with my foot, "I just saw Caleb place some of his magic powder in your hand before you left so you must be doing one of his errands."

Willie looked down at the ground. The music was still loud inside, leaving me to ponder just how many lifers sold their souls over at Caleb's party tonight.

"What's going on Will?"

He sighs, "I have to get three boys to join the club."

"Why's he getting you to recruit them?"

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