Promises (Julie Molina x goalie!reader)

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Prompt/summary: Julie keeps missing the readers games she promised she as going to be there for.

Word Count: 869

Authors note: This def isn't practically a self insert. I just love Julie.

******(Also, Julie's sexuality is not set in canon. I know everyone assumes her to be straight. Changing her sexuality does not change her character and if it comes out her character is straight and nothing else I don't have a problem with taking this down. And that goes for any character I write for.)*******


I shouldn't be angry. I really shouldn't.

I shouldn't be mad at my girlfriend who forgot about my game for the second time in a row.

The first game she had missed wasn't a big deal. It was just a scrimmage. She had gotten tied up after a show and got there late. Not something to fight about.

Apparently my teammates knew I was annoyed though. They knew not to bother me during half time. Between the first and second half I sat in the locker room chugging a bottle of gatorade and moping over the promise that had been made a few days prior.

"Where's your girl (Y/l/n)?" Layla asked.

"Don't know," I grumbled. The team shared a knowing look.

"Didn't she promise she'd be here?" One of our forwards asked.

I just nodded and avoided everyone's eyes as I re-tied my cleats.

By the time the second half rolled around I had shoved those thoughts out of my mind, letting my center back Layla pump me up for when we had to go back onto the field. As I jogged back to my spot in the goal I looked up at the stands searching for the one person I wanted to see.

She wasn't there.


The game ended in a 1-2 loss, with the other team scoring on us in the last 3 minutes of the half. The odds of us scoring and going into overtime were slim to none. We walked off the field with our heads down to the locker room for our coach to give us the notes from the game.

The only reason they made that shot was because the stricker facked and knocked it into the closest corner when I went to dive. Rookie mistake on my part, no matter what my team says.

I packed my stuff up quickly after I changed into sweats for the ride home. The team all walked out of the locker room together, most going to join their families and the ones who didn't started to walk to the bus for the ride home.

"You did great out there kid," a dad said as I walked past, "That was a dirty shot."

I put on a fake smile and thanked him.

I walked slowly and drifted behind the team when we got to the parking lot. Someone ran up to me and wrapped their arms around me.

"You did so amazing babe!"

I turned to see an out of breath Julie standing there, her bandmates not far behind her.

"Yeah," I sighed. I turned to walk towards the bus when she grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going?" she said, confused, "I thought you were riding home with us?"

I sighed and turned back to her, "Julie I didn't even see you in the stands. We lost. I just want to go home and get in bed."

Julie frowned, "I'm sorry, I got caught up with band practice-"

"Yeah I figured. The teams waiting on me, I gotta go."

I turned and climbed onto the bus with my very confused teammates.


The next practice my teammates kept trying to ask what had happened the other night, I just let them wonder as I threw myself into drills and running.

By the time I got home I was exhausted. The only thing on my mind was a hot shower, pizza, and crawling into bed. What I hadn't expected was for my girlfriend to be waiting for me on my bed when I got home.

"Hey," she said quietly.


She held up a bag from the dollar store, "I got you your favorite gatorade, and some snacks for game day tomorrow. I know you don't eat before but you should eat a little something after school."

I nodded and dropped my bag onto the floor, "Thanks Jules."

She frowned, I hadn't called her that since I had asked her out, "I'm sorry I missed your game last night. Luke was freaking out about our show this weekend. I canceled practice tomorrow so I can make sure I'm at the game. I promise."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

"You should go clean up, I'll make you something to eat since your parents aren't home. Then we can watch a movie? I've missed cuddling with you," she said.

A smile spread across my face, "Of course."


I felt like a different person after I had showered. My muscles didn't feel as terrible and I didn't have dirt all over me. When I found Julie in the kitchen she had made pizza rolls from the freezer and chilled a body armor for me to drink. I walked up and wrapped my arms around her while I kissed her cheek, "Thank you."

"I'm really sorry I didn't make it," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You don't have to keep saying it, you've already made up for it."

"I know," she sighed, "I just don't want you to be mad at me."

"Baby I wasn't mad, I was just sad we lost and all I wanted was my girlfriend to be there when I walked out of the locker room."

"I'll be there tomorrow, I promise," she kissed my cheek.

I smiled, "You can choose the movie."

"Oh! I want Disney!" she said excitedly as she ran to my room.

I laughed and followed her.

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