Spotlight (Nick x reader)

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Request: the lovely on wattpad helped me brainstorm this idea!

Prompt/summary: Nick notices the younger Wilson sister that never gets credit where it's due.

Word Count: 1,276

Authors note: Please don't hate on me I truly love All eyes on me, I just wrote it as 'bad' for the sake of the plot!!! Also I absolutely loved this, so much so I might consider writing a full fanfic about it. Let me know what y'all think!


The spotlight was always on Carrie, ever since our father discovered our passion for music that grew in the both of us he had nurtured her stardom. Carrie had always had a... presence about her that people were drawn to. Maybe that's why I never got a time to shine, maybe it's because I didn't have that energy in me that could captivate an entire crowd.

I'd always preferred the behind the scenes stuff anyways. So when my father asked me to be Carrie's songwriter for her new band I couldn't refuse. That, and because I was scared at their reactions if I didn't.

My life wasn't bad. Not in the slightest. I lived in a big mansion and we definitely weren't short on cash.

My relationship with my family... that's a different story.

"Let's go Carrie!" my father cheered from beside me.

"Whenever I walk in the room!"

I rolled my eyes at the bubblegum electro pop blasting through the speakers. I really didn't have to try very hard to produce a song for Carrie, a stereotypical pop song with catchy lyrics satisfies her, and what satisfies her satisfies dad. So everyone is happy.

I never really saw how this was a band. I mean, Carrie was the only one singing. I guess the dancing was pretty flashy though.

I could still feel the sting on the back of my head from where my father hit me the day Carrie tried to get me to join. I never was a dancer. My two left feet caused me to bump into Carrie which didn't go over well when dad saw.

I felt someone push through the crowd to stand beside me. Out of the corner of my eye I immediately knew who it was, the jean jacket and fedora gave him away almost immediately.

"She's doing really good," he said.

"Yeah," I said, a quick glimpse at him made me blush at his bright smile.

I knew Nick as long as Nick had known Carrie, and I watched as they went through every single makeup and breakup in the past two years or so. I guess you could say I had a crush on him, but I knew the wrath I would face if I ever tried to entertain the thought of a relationship with him.

It led to some great song ideas though.

"Hey, aren't you Carrie's sister?"

I rolled my eyes, no matter how many times he came over to our house we never got to talk. Or I'm just easily forgettable. Or both.


"If you aren't busy after this, a few of us are going to the McDonalds down the street to grab a bite to eat. You should come."

My eyes slightly widened in surprise, did he even know my name?

"Um, I don't know. Carrie probably needs my help."

He looked slightly disappointed, "Oh, well maybe another time."

Everyone clapped as Carrie ended her performance with a dramatic bow before walking off stage with a flick of her pink wig. Which was my idea in the first place, not that she would tell anyone.

No one would ever know how much I did for her, but if you looked at the small bruises and cuts on my body you could see exactly how my generosity was returned.

Most of them were accidents (that were never apologized for) and some were intentional shoves or a grip that was just a little too tight when they were too busy yelling at me.

A giant handprint covered most of my forearm, I had tried to cover it up with long sleeves but apparently didn't do a good job as I saw Nick's eyes glancing down at it, "What is that?"

I quickly pulled my sleeve down farther and scurried off to Carrie's dressing room.

The next few days Nick seemed to pop up near me more than usual. We only had one class together but suddenly I was seeing him in the halls and around my locker more. And in music class I caught him staring at me multiple times while I was writing down new lyrics in my notebook.

My heart would race every time we would make eye contact. One day he even started to walk over, as if he was going to talk to me, but I was pulled away by Carrie to the car before I could even say hi.

Maybe he was following me, or maybe it was just coincidence, but the day after that he slid into the empty music room I was practicing in during lunch. I turned from my place at the piano to see him close the door behind him.

"You know you're more talented than her right?"

"Who?" I asked.


I let out an unintentional laugh.

His cheeks turned slightly red, "I'm serious."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the piano to continue the piece I was learning.

(Song is linked at the top! I know it's Star Wars but the composition is so beautiful and delicate.)

Nick took a seat on the bench beside me.

"Why are you even here?" I asked after a moment.

He paused, "I'm not really sure."

I sighed.

"I guess... the other night at the concert... I saw a girl that no one else had noticed. I've seen everything you've done for her, I promise that. You deserve that recognition. You're gonna go places, just give it time."

I stopped, lifting my hands off the keys.

"You should be the one in the spotlight."

"I don't really like the spotlight," I said. I glanced up to his eyes for just a moment.

"Well, you still deserve your work to be noticed," he said, reaching towards the music stand and plucking my notebook down to flip through the pages.

"Please don't-"

He shushed me, pausing on the latest page I had been working on.

"But I watch your eyes as she

Walks by

What a sight for sore eyes, brighter than a blue sky

She's got you mesmerized

while I die."

I stared down at the keys on the piano as he read the lyrics out. I forgot I had even written them down but now that I've heard them out loud I wanted to hide away forever.

Nick flipped the notebook shut, "You shine brighter than your sister ever could."

I felt heat rise in my cheeks. His hand came up to softly brush the hair that had fallen down in my face while I was staring at my hands on the piano.

He tilted my head up to look into my eyes.

My breath caught in my throat as I felt his face getting closer and closer to mine.

Someone cleared their throat behind us.

We jump, pulling away from each other and turning around.

"Um, Nick?" Carrie said, "I need (Y/n) for the pep rally in 10 minutes."

I don't even know how she came in without us hearing, but the venom in her voice caused me to grab my notebook and sheet music to shuffle out the door.

Carrie walked out before me, giving me just enough time for me to shoot Nick a small smile before following out after her.

I might not like the spotlight, but I do appreciate being noticed.

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