The Best Chapter of my Life (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: (Wattpad @KimmyArnold) Hi i was wondering on your Julie and the phantoms one shot and you could use this plot, The reader can see ghost but she doesn't know it and she it also one of julie's  cousin who got made to move to live with her by her mum (julie's aunt on dad's side), she's also very flirtyish (especially with reggie) (reader also does art, if you could interpret that somewhere, tho you don't have to) thank you so much if you do this

Prompt/summary:  Reader is Julie's cousin and moves in with them to go to school, but what happens when she meets 3 cute ghosts in the garage?

Word Count: 2,048

Authors note: I'm so sorry I didn't fit the art thing in anywhere, I started writing and the story got away from me pretty quickly but I still hope you enjoy! If you'd like me to redo it closer to the prompt shoot me a DM!


Everyone who looks into their family history will find something hidden sooner or later. After digging around in my grandmothers attic I found an old diary of hers detailing every supernatural encounter she had had in her life, starting in her teen years. As time went on I started to relate to it more and more. Especially after my 15th birthday.

By the time my mom had made me move in with my cousins at their house I had been experiencing the same things my grandmother had in the 60′s. Spirits randomly appearing in my dreams, hearing things while I'm walking around, seeing things out of the corner of my eye that no one else does.

But nothing had ever happened as big as this.

"Julie!" I yelled, I couldn't find her anywhere in the house. Ray had told her to go clean out the studio, but where is that?

"Carlos, where's Julie?"

Carlos didn't look up from his tablet, "Outside in the studio."

"In the garage?" I asked.


I set off to the garage. As I got closer I heard voices but stepped inside anyways.

"Julie? Who's with you?"

Julie turned around quickly with a worried look on her face, three boys sat around the garage.

"No one! Just talking to myself," she giggled nervously.

"Right, who are the three boys in here then?"

Julie looked at me in shock, and the boys turned to each other with questioning looks.

"You can see them?"

I furrowed my brows, "Yeah? Should I not be able to or something?"

"Oh," she laughed nervously.

"Julie-" one of the boys began to whisper.

"Shhh!" she said.

"Julie what's going on? I know things haven't been the same since your mom died but this is weird," I said.

Julie sighs, "Listen, if I tell you something will you promise not to tell anyone?"

"Of course," I said, "What's wrong?"

"So... these three died in 1995, they're ghosts. And until now I was the only one that could see them unless they played music. They got me back into the music program at school."

I stood in shock for a second, "How do you know they're really ghost?"

Julie walked over to the boy wearing a beanie, she went to place her hand on his shoulder when it passed through him like air.

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