The Prank War pt. 2!

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- so

-we last left off with Kenny walking in on the entire cast of JATP trying to finish their prank war

-it was definitely an 'oh shit' moment


-Kenny made a deal

-first group to prank him successfully won prank wars

-he gave a deadline, if he's not pranked by that Friday, everyone was going to get pranked by him.

-no one wanted that

-so off everyone went.

-Owen tried to corner Kenny in the recording studio with silly string but Kenny slipped out of the studio as soon as recording was done.

-no one could find him. He literally disappeared.

-Charlie tried the shaving cream to the face, but somehow Kenny managed to run away.

-he disapeared. Again.

-it felt like nobody could get the man. the myth. the legend. Kenny Ortega. to fall into their prank trap.

-it was almost the end of the week

-everyone decided that if they were going to prank Kenny, everyone needed to work together

-but you got a good idea in the noggerino.

-"Let's just... not show up one day."

-Everyone sent out a chain text saying to not show up the next day until lunchtime

-so that's what everyone did

-cause tbh everyone wanted to see what was gonna go down

-the plan was set.

-both teams met up in the cafeteria, waiting for Kenny to walk in.

-Savannah readied the water balloons, Madison bought all the silly string they could find

-even Carlynn showed up with the big guns, glitter.

-Kenny was super confused when he walked onto set to silence and darkness

-it didn't last long though

- as soon as the doors swung open to the cafeteria everyone started blasting

-it was messy

-glitter, silly string, toilet paper, you name it

-by the end of it Kenny was covered head to toe

-everyone cheered and high fived at the successful plan

-Jadah had her phone out the entire time

-"I got it on live stream!"

-Kenny wiped everything off his face laughing

"Ya got me. But you guys are going to clean this up."

Julie and the Phantoms ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz