30 days glow-up challenge! ft. some life updates

Start from the beginning

The point of this challenge is to just make self-care normal and fun. It's okay if you've never taken any kind of challenge like this. There's no starting point. You have today, so start NOW. If you're joining in this challenge, do let me know. I hope you and I, together, are going to make our best 30 day glow-up challenge!

I spent some time thinking how I can make this challenge not only fun but also effective

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I spent some time thinking how I can make this challenge not only fun but also effective. So, after thinking a lot, I came up with a little guide that would hopefully help me and help you to create your own challenge. Let's get started.


Why should you take up this challenge?

Our lives are the culmination of everyday habits and choices. We are what we choose. When you learn to choose yourself every single day, you will notice how much the quality of your life will improve. We want you to start taking the right step today. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, rightly mentioned in his book, "Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become."

How to create your personalised 30 day glow-up challenge?

How to create your personalised 30 day glow-up challenge?

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Like I mentioned, we all have different needs. So, first take a notebook and divide a page into two halves - one for daily, other for regular. Daily goals are goals which you will be working to achieve daily.

To start filling in this, ask yourself a few questions.

~ What are my personal goals?

It could be anything like fitness, skin-care, reducing screen time, finding more time for your hobbies, spending quality time with my loved ones. It could be just one or as many as you want.

 It could be just one or as many as you want

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