super easy to make, healthy snack options

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Hey, everyone!🌼

I never realised the importance of eating healthy until it started to show its effect on my body. Now, just to clarify, I am, thankfully, only 18 years old and no, I don't, again thankfully, have any chronic diseases. I am however having irregular periods (which is an aftermath of a messed-up lifestyle), moderate obesity, hair loss and rough skin.

This year, I finally made up my mind that I was no more going to crib about the little health obstacles I have and will start having a better and healthier lifestyle. Now, breakfast, lunch and dinner is all on my mom's hands. I rarely eat from outside for those three important meals. However, when it's snacks time or just midnight cravings, I gorge on the most unhealthiest snacks you can EVER imagine.

I am a huge believer of 'What goes inside shows outside'. If you eat clean and healthy, it will surely show it on your body. So, after hours and hours of looking up for healthy snacks options which are easy to make, because, let's face it, no one wants to follow a two-hour long recipe to satisfy these little devilish snacks cravings.

So, below are the best snack options I could find. I've mentioned those which require no cooking or very little cooking. They can easily be made in a few minutes. So, let's get started!🥰

 So, let's get started!🥰

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This is the most popular and obvious option

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This is the most popular and obvious option. Fruits are the best things available to us. However, my advice is to not juice it. Fruit juices contain more sugar and less fibre than the fruit itself. Take a few minutes to cut the fruit and then eat. Try to consume your fruits before sunset to reap maximum benefits. If you are feeling a little fancy, chop up a few different fruits, drizzle some honey and enjoy!



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