C14: "The heroine takes a break"

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After using all the power and strength in her hands to do justice she decided to rest, for the first time she would not worry so much about what others will think and try to recover what was lost; like the relationship with his family. Despite the fact that she was greedy and hypocritical, she was still her family, however, for years she has dealt with them only the minimum and indispensable; The only one he has good treatment with is his brother.

All for fear of the crazy Candela more than the greed of her family, however, she did not manage to make them get along since if she took money they would embezzle her; if she started a business they wanted to steal it from her and misuse the money she earned. In the end she cried on the shoulder of her brother who I felt envious of her for her freedom, she proposed that he live with her her parents are not a good thing for him; for more than having the same blood, these beings cannot be called parents.

He agreed making his sister angry, who also wanted freedom and money; but she was mean and envious. She was not very different from her parents, no matter how much she claimed they ignored her; To calm the Blenda I give her an apartment.

She told him that if she kept it a secret from her parents maybe they could get closer as siblings, however she did not keep the secret and asked her parents to see to get money from her; it was obvious that he was hiding the true amount he had. After this, Blenda had no choice but to completely cut ties with them, helping her brother to obtain his own emancipation despite being still a minor.

If it weren't for the evidence of them trying to steal that from her, it would have been impossible for her to do so, most likely they would continue to manipulate her by making her brother suffer; who was not mean to her and suffered under the mistreatment of her parents. As a good older sister, she took care of him, helping him to know how to fend for himself without missing out on anything.

Thanks to this she was able to relax from the worries she had, she would no longer think about Candela or her brother's sorrows; spending his entire 5th year helping him gain a better quality of life. When he needs it she will advise him, when he does not want to listen to her she will let him make a mistake and learn by himself.

Her 5th year passed quickly, you did this without noticing how she was seen by others, who knew about the judgment she made on her parents obtaining the emancipation of her and her brother; the only thing they knew about this is that she had already become emancipated and had a job. And because of what her brother went through now, too, seeing her with compassionate and admiring eyes; They learned that her brother worked in a business that she set up.

This allowed him to gain experience without having to dedicate many hours of his time, being able to study quietly; they admired his ability to manage things. The objectives knew that surely she obtained that business as a reward, after all she helped two companies grow thanks to the contacts that she helped make; however she seemed to be doing very well despite being new to running business.

She did not know that she had become very popular thanks to the news, not by looking at her greedily because of what she had; rather by noticing that she had the ability. However after thinking about everything that she was capable of from day one does not seem to be that incredible, she was always a capable woman; however there were no hints on her part towards love.

More than one felt that she was something to be admired but not touched, who can have the ability to stand next to such a woman ?; others felt that she was too focused on their world to understand the signals of love they were sending them. Without knowing the truth, being admired and loved, she isolated herself without knowing it, however others understood her, she had too many problems in her personal life to focus on other things at the moment.

Daniel was among these guys who coveted her, worse only after learning of her business savvy; Which could be a good thing for him and his family. He approached her to ask for advice and bear obtained, he was even helped to mount his thanks to her; without the need to make a stranger by taking the name of another to do so.

He did not understand why he had been helped so much by her, but after learning of her goodness he realized that this woman was naive; or at least that's how I interpret it. The truth is that she was not naive, she was weak before him due to the feelings kept from her past life; but that was not possible for anyone to know.

Nobody saw her helping him as abnormal. She was like that with anyone, if help is needed she gives you of her own free will instead of her hand only up to her elbow; several warned him not to be so. Humanity is greedy, someone with bad intentions could harm it by knowing this; however with so many around her taking care of how she was treated that would not happen.

There were not just the former classmates from elementary school, but future high school classmates; with whom she made sure to maintain some kind of contact. This was because she placed them in her businesses, even those who had already left school worked for her; there are those who have a job reserved thanks to her and did not know it.

Only those who do not see her daily know the whole truth about her true ability, now her younger brother knew it too and helped her keep it a secret; not only for her but also for him. He would hate for a woman to approach him because of interest.

His brother is not in a technician so he was finishing his last year of school, thanks to his sister he could go with his friends to the graduate trip; He had a near-girlfriend at the time. By the time she ended the year, she and he ended up being something serious, she didn't know if that was really a good woman or not; so she wouldn't let him tell her the truth even though they were fine.

The last year of school for her ends and her brother can begin to work, only now that he is going to face the issue of not having money is that the true faces of others can be seen; She really hopes that this woman is not a wretch. For the sake of his dear brother's heart he yearns for it.

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