C6: "Finalizing preparations against the villain"

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1 have a good amount of money. (Ready)

2 have contacts in important places. (Ready)

3 increase the amount of competition the company owned by Camila's mother has to face. (Ready)

4 Learn everything to ensure you can get a good job. (Ready)

5 Go to school before her and win the support of my classmates. (Pending)

-Well for now, he will not add the other objectives to be fulfilled- he said while going over the list he had written after reincarnating -it would be bad if someone found the list- he said while he considered breaking it, after everything else he was very clear; put the bitch in her place.

The first would take away her power by making all those contacts that she would gain in school prefer her, in addition to her, who enjoys feeling superior by humiliating others; what better revenge than being ignored and despised. However this would not reach the point of bullying only that she could not put herself in that superior position in which she placed herself.

This forced everyone in the school to lower their heads before her through any trick, besides that the children of important people attended that school; Candela had seduced them for the sake of helping her family. After then abandoning them making herself the victim, to top it all they gave her the reason that she was; even though there were those who knew it was not like that.

The worst thing is that his actions to humiliate and subdue people at school were never known, this time it would not be the same; he would make sure that these people did not support him. In addition to showing everyone how he really was.

Hopefully it is cursed that it is believed unattainable and superior can be stopped, hopefully this is enough so that it cannot continue to do damage; in any way she must increase her power so that she cannot. It is a danger for society that the power in it grows, it is capable of making you die just because you did not serve a good coffee.

He would arrive just for the 3rd year and Candela in the second, while she entered the 4th. This time she would go into 1st and make sure she made good friends, after all this was good for her finances. Even if it wasn't necessary to try harder, he didn't even have to attend this place; but he felt that he would fail God if he did not intervene in what was going to happen.

This Candela has her hands full of blood from a very young age. Knowing this, she approached her mother and said:

-Ma I want to go to this school- showing her the brochure of the technical college she wanted to attend.

"Brenda, I already told you that there is another school that is closer. Why do you insist on going there?" I asked her, not being able to understand since both schools taught the same thing. Both in 4th grade would finish their courses very late, the reason why they changed schools was due to this; There was a lot of crime near that school.

- The other day I went to look around and I found boys leaving school with weapons - she clarified to her madee - I also know that they are going to look for members of other schools, so you should change the school you chose for brother; he would hate that he was shot because of one of them - his brother was going to attend the school that was close to his, more than once they had robbed him in his past life; they just didn't kill him because he had a friend who knew the thief

After remembering how close he and his friends were to death, she decided to intervene in their future anyway it had been decided that they would attend their future school together

His brother still had a few years left in his school, however his mother was already making preparations, agreeing with others to decide where they were going to send them. After knowing this, they did not take long to be eligible for another future school, she regretted a bit of this that he did not meet who would be his partner; but maybe that's not so bad.

That girl had made him suffer and because of the fact of sharing a son he could not separate, on top of that he had a job that made him lose his weight and damaged his health. This woman ended up being an index to his friend, on top of that it was his fault for neglecting her, it was not his fault that she had co-melted; He could not tolerate the pain of betrayal and went out to drive drunk, dying in a crash.

However, she knew that it was not all that simple, this girlfriend was always in a bad way; abusing him without him noticing. However, the friend and the crash was more than mere chance, this boy was a friend of Candela and the car's brakes weren't working well; it would be weird not to die even sober.

However, what happened was classified as an accident due to alcohol, she only knew the truth while she was a prisoner in that house; this woman made him aware of all the crimes she committed against her family. She sought to inflict pain on him psychologist, she wanted him to feel that it was his fault that his family suffered; which the bitch did.

This woman who was with her brother was quite interested, so it was not strange that she was confused by this friend; it's good that luckily these two are never going to meet. This time she would make sure her beloved brother didn't hook up with some crazy woman. And if he did, he would have it discovered so that he would not suffer later.

-Well let's start I learned various sports and musical skills to help me be more popular, I wonder what I can achieve? - she said to herself as she dressed as a catalog model to go to school, today was her first day in 1st of the high school; she was eager to face her future.

-Just wait Candela, let's see who laughs at the end- he said in his mind with a perverse smile

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