C5: "The value of effort"

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Her hard work paid off, as everyone was now more prepared for their adult world; however she was the only one of all who turned cold. The others, despite knowing that the future would be hard, continued to enjoy their childhood, not completely losing their innocence as children because of this fact.

She was happy for them and wished she weren't so bitter, yet it was hard not to act serious; the good thing about all this is that she learned how to deal with others. At last she understood sarcasm and knew how to make jokes, she was really happy with her progress; as she prepared for the future.

It is important that she enters a good sector of society to obtain support, in this way she will be able to resist Candela in the future; besides who knows how to weaken the tools that she possessed to do harm. At the moment she secretly won several contests and Olympics, making adults believe that she was a genius child.

Luckily she managed to convince them that they will keep her secret, she said that she wanted to grow up as a normal child; moreover, institutions for gifted children were not something that her family could afford, no matter how much they received it. This was understood by the pernitebte authorities, helping them to fulfill one of their objectives; this was emancipation.

She needed to free herself from her parents' control, especially financially; they were not trusted. They weren't bad, except for their mother who was racist; They did not know how to manage money well. Furthermore, the more she separates from them, the less Camila will be able to harm them. In the fight she is going to fight in the future, it is better to keep them away so that they are not dragged; the last thing he wants is to repeat what he lived before.

"Damn crazy bitch, if you have something against someone, why does it have to involve others?" She said to herself while remembering everything her family suffered because of her, she causes the death of her parents and her brother; besides the suicide of his sister. This crazy woman does not know when to stop when it comes to doing evil, as if the world in which we live was no longer difficult and cruel; as to add even more evil.

She shook her head and decided to continue with what she was doing, she knew that this writing practice helped her; both to study and to make money. Thanks to the contacts he made and his emancipation he had a contract with a publishing house, the books taught languages ​​through mathematical exercises or other types of exercises.

Besides that they were easy to attend, they were very good for those who were in the first years of school, these books began to be sold for school use; being encouraged to buy them. This way it was easier to teach a foreign language, to top it off there were several possible languages ​​and combinations; so it also became popular abroad.

She was beginning to accumulate power and money in the shadows, thanks to this she started some companies; These will provide home delivery services which made it easier for their products to be sold faster. She had bakeries, restaurants, clothing and makeup stores; He even set up a factory.

She had several apartments and put them up for rent, through this she generated money and opened a business; Thanks to this, the money did nothing but rain. This added to the fact that invested in things that she knew would increase in value in the future, they began to make her filthy rich.

However, no one knew about her true wealth. She set up companies to handle these things and used a pseudonym whenever she could; making it difficult for them to link.

Time passed and she grew, as did the fame of that professor who stole from her; the same one that had hit him in his past life. She had asked the publisher during this time to gather evidence to be able to attack him, after receiving them she asked Dresden to wait.

The school decided to hold a public event with the news being present, in which they celebrated the ingenuity of this teacher for providing such a pedagogical service. However, as everyone celebrated and gave him their award, the background slide showed the evidence that he was a liar.

To top it all, there was evidence of how he had been helped by various members of the school including the principal, this event was a real scandal; the school had to close because of this for a long time. It was difficult even after being open that people trusted the school staff again, so any movement in it was strictly monitored.

She was happy with this in this way she would save some bad things that happened in her past life, such as the psychological abuse that her brother suffered because she claimed for his abuse. She got rid of all those corrupt and cruel teachers, who made her and her brother's life miserable.

Attending satisfied with what she achieved, she was forced to enroll in another school, this was something that also happened in her past life; but all because she felt insecure being with that teacher. Changing schools while in 7th grade was a super downturn, just one year was not enough to make real friends; It would also be weird to go on a graduate trip together.

So just like in her past life she didn't have a 7th grade trip, but she didn't care much either; In his previous life this was not the case because his sister did not stop presuming hers. Although he did it subtly, she liked to feel superior because she knew that she was the only one of her brothers who would have it; all for lack of money.

However thanks to her this was not the case, besides that thanks to her game she realized the true face of her hypocritical friends; all because they searched for it to win a lollipop. She laughed at this after knowing, relieved that it was now and for a lollipop; Than after a job or a boyfriend.

The truth is that if he was a boyfriend, the man was not worth it, but this was still painful. Thanks to this, her sister could know ahead of time that she was going astray, however she did not stop her attitude to show that she has something better and things like that.

This caused her a lot of pain because she could not make her stop her bad attitude, she had already done her part if she wanted to be like that there was nothing she could do; she cried for her stubborn sister. Wishing him to reflect on some future, she would do nothing to him as long as she does nothing to him; at the moment she treated her cordially because deep down she hated her for her ugly attitude.

She never mistreated her, however she only made it clear that she did not like her attitude, but she did not change or act differently despite knowing it; although he began to learn to pretend not to be. This caused her sister to be bothered every time by her, sometimes she felt a similarity to Candela because of what her sister did.

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