C8: "The end of the first year and the beginning of the 2nd"

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The year passed as normal with children taking subjects, others passing them; some becoming boyfriends or girlfriends.

For her it happened like a real torture since there were several things to orchestrate, to help the objectives to make friends while keeping their secret without them knowing that she knows it; stay well on top of fashion and trends to keep making money in business and look good for these targets to look at you. They really want normal friends who don't judge them for what they have, but they judge others according to their appearances. Who understands them?

These hypocrites are from, the worst thing is that they are aware of their hypocrisy and they continue to be; she feels dirty pretending they like him all the time. She hates having to lie down and pretend that they like her, every day she feels as fake as Candela; the only difference is that she does not do evil.

She at least if she is false with them she does it with good intention, after all Candela is going to ruin them. She helped targets get into a relationship, even those with a homosexual orientation. They would not know about it until later in their lives but she helped them to know more sooner, this would save them a lot of the trouble they had in the future.

One of the problems was getting the parents of those who were not straight to accept them.

-Look that you have to be homophobic in the 20th century, in the end everything revolves around something going to get into someone's hole. What difference does it make if it's the same sex or not? Also, many times people get confused about wanting to explore and play with their sexuality, what harm is there in one playing and then not being a game? - she told them to get them to brace themselves, then they told her. they repeated to the parents; that at the moment they hope it is just a game or a teenage phase.

Although the problem of their racism will continue, it will not bother them until later; when they can leave home because they have money and resources. They have assets in their name that due to their age they cannot yet inherit, if their parents do not want to lose them or their resources later they will have to accept them.

But hey, she cannot know what is going to happen, it is difficult to understand human behavior and more to predict or calculate it.

The good thing is that this dog is not going to be able to get in the way without looking bad, those who have girlfriends can be tempted by her; but he is not going to be physical since the women at his side are workers. They do not expect to live off a man, besides being very clever and intelligent; they were former classmates of Blemda from primary school.

As they were very close to her when it comes to mental maturity, they were happy with these boys since their schoolmates find it difficult to be as mature and serious as they want; although they are more mature compared to others.

Being some true louts who use what they know to do evil, she was upset by this luckily the damage they do is on a sentimental level; not how Candela but she should commit suicide as she taught them. Although it is not their fault that they will use their knowledge for evil.

During his vacations he put together several meetings so that the group was well united, in addition to supporting the loving couples to the point that they met the parents of others; knowing from that moment the truth about them. Perp understanding their way of thinking helped them hide it.

The great thing was that the girls pleased their in-laws showing their intelligence and worth, so it will make everything more difficult for Candela; the only ones in trouble were the boys who brought boys home. But despite the tension in the air, they did not mistreat or harm the couple who brought their children; in the end it ended without affecting them so much.

Apparently it was good that their children were gay for the company they would run, because they show support for the LGTB community; This disgusting attitude of the father of these boys served them well for their happiness. Being encouraged by them when at the beginning they were the ones who most demanded.

"It doesn't matter. The good thing is that you can love calmly," Blenda told her friend.

-It would be funny if within a few years I discover that I'm not really gay, I just like that that area stimulates me; I can imagine wanting him to come back with a man just because he thinks it seems to him- he replied sarcastically, laughing a little review imagining the hilarious situation.

Instead of being forced to be straight they force you to be gay just for fashion. How absurd! As if that could be chosen.

- Can you imagine in the future they ask you for evidence of being gay, instead of looking for it to defame you? - He commented while imagining hilarious things.

"Hahaha, that would be missing" she said with a warm smile. Sometimes she connected with them in certain things they did, which made her feel less false to the point that she felt sorry; Could it be that I am too demanding with people and that is why I quickly hate them?

But after considering it for a moment he concluded that sometimes he was right, but other times he was carried away by the first impression. This made him consider a change of attitude, planning how to unfold in the future; The only person, however, who would not give second chances is Candela.

That person looks for himself and asks to be hated, with him he cannot allow himself to shake his hand; because if he does, he grabs a buttock

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