College, Finally

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So Time Skip a couple of months until college starts or else this story would be hella draggy...

I pulled the last of my bags from the door of the taxi. I took a deep breath. I was at the campus of my new home away from home: Stanford University. The Californian air made me feel a bit weird, but not in a bad way. 

I thanked the taxi driver and handed him a few bucks. 

My phone was buzzing with notifications. It was Mom. I shook my head and replied to her many questions. 

You: I reached the campus

Mom: ok stay safe and tc

You: k thanks mom

Mom: i love you

I smiled for a brief second, but stopped and put my phone in my back pocket. 

Amy was already here. She had to come back a few weeks ago because of her major in finance. She had some extra things to do. 

I looked around the campus grounds at all the other people coming in. Someone looked at my sweatshirt and scowled.

 Someone looked at my sweatshirt and scowled

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I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. Ten seconds and I already had to deal with a hypocrite. He kept walking. 

People like him really bugged me. Like, get a life instead of judging smart, educated people. 

I rolled my eyes again and kept walking. I had two suitcases and a big-ass backpack. I stopped and looked at my phone. 

Prima 4 Life: bruh where tf r u

You: dude im at the campus but idk where to go now

Prima 4 Life: just come to dorm no 11.. mine and yours

You: wait i thought you had an apartment

Prima 4 Life: i did but they don't let freshmen stay with juniors

You: so u switched to a dorm for me

Prima 4 Life: yea

You: youre the best 

Prima 4 Life: ik

I laughed. Why was she a bitch and an angel at the same time? Such a Pisces. 

I headed to the apartment when I saw someone familiar. I turned around to see none other than Tasha Nash. No way. 

"Oh my gosh, Y/N." 

I didn't know what to do. 

"Hi Tasha, I, umm, didn't know you were going here too."

"Yeah. I am. 

I saw her looking at my shirt. 

"You've changed after you got together with Noah Schnapp."

"Yeah. Things change I guess."

She nodded slowly, her lips slightly parted. 

"Cool. See you around, Y/N."

"Yeah. You too."

She walked away quickly. 

"She's still the same," I muttered. 

I walked to the dorm, which was right around the corner, and knocked. 

Amy opened the door and smiled widely. 

"Ayyy! Welcome home sis!"

I laughed and hugged her. 

She closed the door behind us. I looked around the dorm. Amy had decorated it well. 

Basically this is the layout so you know when I mention it in the future. Also, I forgot to add a balcony, but it is in between the kitchen and dining table.

I set my luggage down in the room with my name on the door. (Room 2)

"So, how do you like the dorm, cuz?" Amy asked. 

"It's really nice, dude."

"Good, because I worked my ass off for it to look like this."

I smiled.

I turned around to see Amy's room door creak. 

David Dobrik's head popped out of the gap. 

Amy signalled for him to go back inside, mouthing. "Now's not the time."

I let out a shaky laugh. "I'm not even gonna ask."

I walked out to the balcony and looked across the campus grounds. I saw a cab pull in, and I saw Noah step out. I was pretty sure my face lit up when I saw him. 

I speed-walked out of the dorm (because I look possessed when I run) and soon enough, the building. Noah was standing there, looking at his phone, but he turned around and saw me. He smiled from ear to ear as I hugged him. I kissed his cheek and looked into his deep hazel eyes. 

"I missed you so much, Y/N," he said. 

"I missed you too," I said, blushing. 

He told me about the rest of his summer as we walked to my dorm.

"Where's your dorm?" I asked. 

He pointed to a room further down the hall. 

"Okay, that's not too far. If you're ever lonely, I'm right here," I said. 

He smiled. "I know. Anyways, is Amy here?"

I inhaled sharply. "I think she's a bit occupied with David. I really don't wanna be in there right now."

He chuckled. "Well, you can come over to my dorm for now."

"Sure, I'd like that. Better choice than third-wheeling here."

He took my hand and we went to his dorm. He tried opening the door, but it was locked. 

"Do I knock?" he asked. 

I shrugged. "I guess."

He knocked on the wooden door. It finally opened after a few awkward seconds of confusion. 

At the door stood good ol' Tasha. 

"Hey roomie!"

IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now