Beauty and Grace

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Heads Up: This takes place a few weeks after the previous chapter and it's Y/N's birthday!

I stepped out of the car and waved to Mom. 

"See you later, honey. Have a great day!" Mom called out from the window. 

"Okay, bye Mom!" I said. 

I looked at myself in the rearview mirror. My outfit was cute for a girl like me, my hair was curly and bouncy, and my makeup was pretty good. See what I did there??

It was a bit much for me to handle, considering I rarely wore dresses or this much makeup. I shook out all the insecurities. Chill. It's your goddamn birthday. I turned around and walked to the door and pulled it open to feel the cool air race against me. 

I was greeted by Nurse Sarah. She smiled at me.

"Happy birthday Y/N. There's a little gift for you in the storage room," she said sweetly, giving me a hug. 

"Thanks Nurse. I will go check it out!" I said, grinning from ear to ear. I then realized that was a bit too much and replaced the goofy grin with a small smile. 

I was swarmed by all the nurses and doctors wish me a happy birthday. I have been working here for like four years. I literally know everyone. I thanked them all individually and headed to the storage room. 

I looked around until my eyes spotted a gift bag with my name on it. I walked to it and opened it up. I smiled at the sight of it. My official intern coat. I had been wanting this from my first summer volunteering here.

I put on my gloves and my official intern coat. I still couldn't believe I was 18. I feel old.  

An announcement came on the speakers. "Attention all doctors, nurses, junior interns, and interns. Please head to the children's room for day twenty-seven of the campaign."

I totally forgot. A campaign was being held for the cancer patients for the past few weeks and lots of local celebrities and others came to visit. Today's guest was supposed to be some local country singer. 

As I turned around to go, I bumped into someone. It was a boy. He had black hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a black Hollister sweatshirt and blue jeans with a pair of black Vans. I jumped back at the sudden appearance of him. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," he said. His voice was so oddly familiar. 

"No problem. Do I know you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Doctor Bauer told me to go to Y/N and that you would be here. I'm the newest intern," he said. 

"Oh okay. My bad. What's your name?" you asked. 

He spaced out for a few seconds. 

"Um, Earth to new intern dude. What's your name?" I asked.

"Oh, my name is uh, Cameron. Cameron Schneider." 

"Okay, Cameron. Follow me. We are supposed to go to the children's room for the campaign," I said. 

He nodded and followed me as I walked to the children's room. I gotta say, though, this new, cute intern boy was giving me weird vibes. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts.

Once we got there, Doctor Bauer, the head doctor who founded the hospital, got up and stood on the tiny podium that we set up for the campaign.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Today is the twenty-seventh day of our campaign and we are happy to announce its success."

Everyone cheered at the word "success." I was happy that our efforts paid off. So his speech continued on and on until what would've usually been the celebrity introduction.  

"Anyways, I would like to call someone very special to the podium. Y/N L/N, would you please come up here?" he asked.

What, me? It was my birthday, but this has never happened before. I hesitantly walked up to the podium. Everyone clapped and cheered. 

"Why I called Y/N up here is not a mystery. She has been volunteering here as a junior intern for the past four years, since the founding of this hospital. She has never missed an evening of volunteering in the summer. And it's optional! Now, she is our first official intern and we are so glad to have her. Oh, and did I forget? It's her birthday!" he called. I was happy that my efforts over the years meant this much to Doctor Bauer. 

"So, we have a little surprise for her. Cameron Schneider, can you come up here?" he asked. What the hell? Why is the new intern being called to the stage. 

Cameron walked up to the stand and looked at me. I gasped. I should have known. Those hazel eyes gave it away. "Cameron" pulled off a fake layer of skin and his wig and I could have sworn that I fainted right then and there.

Goddamn Noah Schnapp was standing in front of me. His dark brown hair, that smile I had stared at for years, and that adorable face. I was literally about to cry. 

"Hey, it's okay," he said. No it's not. Why would the most perfect human being in the world want to surprise me on my birthday? It was not okay. It was insane.

He pulled me into a hug. He felt so good. He smelled like vanilla and he was so warm. I wiped my small tears and hugged Doctor Bauer. 

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I said.

I couldn't believe it. Over the years I would flip coins, heads being that I would meet Noah Schnapp, tails being that I don't. It would vary, but it was mostly tails. Now, he's standing in front of me and I could've sworn I felt like I was in heaven.

IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now