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I woke up when I felt light shining on my skin. I looked at my phone. It was 9:30. I groaned and woke the others up. Sharon just kinda camped out there for a second, but eventually woke up after a string of curses at us.

I felt my phone buzz in my pajama pocket, so I pulled it out. It was a call from Noah. What the hell? I thought we were just supposed to leave it at what it was last night. He surprised me, a fan, and now we were acquaintances. Not really friends. I hesitantly picked up.

"Hey, Noah!" I said. 

"Hey, Y/N." His morning voice was so hot. I tried to keep my smile in. 

"So, what's up? Anything important or did you just want to talk?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"Oh,  I just wanted to ask if you were feeling good. I mean, first day of 18 is pretty bitchin."

He is so sweet. He had called to check in one me, a fan that he met yesterday. "All is well. It's nice of you to ask."

He laughed. "Um, anyways, I also wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime tomorrow while I'm still in town. I am going to head to New York City in a week." 

Okay. What? No way! Noah Schnapp wants to hang out with me. 

I smiled. "Sure. Where do you wanna go?" 

"Anywhere. Just show me around. Meet me at the Starbucks by the hospital."

I smiled. "Okay. Bye, Noah."


IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now