Escape From The L/N Fortress

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I put the last of Noah's awards on my award shelf, flashing them off. 

I kept looking at the tickets. I had to leave tomorrow. 

But, the main question was: how the hell Amy and I were supposed to leave the house without anyone suspecting that we were going to New York to see my boyfriend?

I thought of saying that I was having a sleepover with Ellie or Violet or someone, but God knows how long Noah will make me stay with him in New York.

So, I had to call my friends and see what they were up to. 

You: hey vi

Violet: yo wats up

You: you have any plans this weekend

Violet: nah

You: oh ok

Violet: y 

You: just asking

Violet: k

You: k bye

Well, that was a bust.

You: yo ellieeeee

Ellie: my dudeee

You: have any plans this weeknd

Ellie: ya 😬😆

My stomach flipped.

You: oh what😁😁

Ellie: jesus y u so excited

You: just tell me what ur doing

Ellie: im camping with my family for two weeks

I was jumping up and down. 2 whole weeks!

You: cool

Ellie: y tho

You: wellllll

You: noah got me tickets to ny and i have to go without my parents finding out so i needed a cover story 😬😏

Ellie: ok then

You: so can i pretend to go camping with yall

Ellie: sure my dude

Ellie: just dont do anything funny with your boooo😏

You: 😑

Ellie: lmaoooo bye dude

You: see ya at our "camping trip"

I smiled. Okay, cover story set up.

"Y/N. Come down with your phone," Mom called.

Mom checks my phone every 3 weeks and hasn't checked for a while now.

Shit. I quickly deleted my text messages with Ellie.

"One sec, Mom."

I then went to Noah's contact and replaced his name with Amy.

Amy's real contact name is Prima 4 Life, or cousins for life.

Mom doesn't know what that means, so she won't see the difference.

"Y/N, come down!" Mom yelled.

"Jesus, I was peeing, Mom," I lied, and ran downstairs.

I pulled may hair into a bun and handed my phone to my protective mom.

She unlocked it and went through my messages. 

As she was looking through my carefully selected texts, I tried to launch my plan.

"So," I said, looking at my phone and then at my mom, "Ellie's family is going on a 2 week camping trip, and they invited Amy and me to go with them."

Mom nodded, not taking her eyes off the phone.

"Did you say no?" she asked, her eyes still glued to the device.

I panicked. My hands started to sweat. "Why, am I not allowed to go?" I asked, my voice sounding a bit too nervous for a camping trip.

Mom looked at me, finally, and said, "No, you can go. It's just that you hate the outdoors."

I scoffed. "No I don't. I love and really connect with Mother Nature." 

Mom chuckled. "Well, since we're on the topic of relationships that will never happen, I love and really connect with Michael Jackson."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious Mom. I want to go."

Mom sighed. "Okay okay. Just pack all your necessities so you don't die."

She handed me my phone and said, "You're good to go."

I sighed in relief. "Alright, thanks Mom," I said, as I ran upstairs to pack for my awesome trip to see my boyfriend.

"Amy, pack your bags. We're going to New York, baby!"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, he texted me too."

IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now