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I sat in my room, staring at the clock. It was 5:30, which meant that Noah was supposed to call anytime now. 

Usually, Y/N would have been at the hospital, but since the fundraiser gave the hospital enough supplies and more employees, this year ended short.

Tick, tick. I looked at my phone, desperate to see if my boyfriend would call.

Come on, come on. 

Then, I heard a ring at my doorbell. I groaned at the fact that it wasn't my phone that rang.  

My parents (and your sibling if you have one) had left to the mall, so I was at home with Amy. 

I pulled my hair down and shuffled it around, trying to look presentable. But, I just made it worse, so I left it that way.

I opened the door to see a UPS package. 

Well, great. I sucked at opening those. I tried to lift it, but it was too heavy, so I dragged it inside. 

At the top, it had an address from New York. 

I gasped. Oh shit. Noah sent this.

I have no family in New York, or do I have friends there. It had to have been Noah.

I took a knife that was surprisingly big from the knife rack, and I hauled the box upstairs.

I tried to walk up the stairs without my shifting feet causing me to trip, but I fell down about halfway up. I hit my chin on a stair. The  knife fell out of my hand and onto the floor, dangerously close to my hand. The heavy box fell on my leg and pain seared up to my head.

I winced and loudly moaned, "Oh fuck!" 

Noticing how inappropriate that sounded, I heard Amy run out of her room and knock on my room door. That blind fool didn't realize that I was dying on the stairs.

"Y/N, are you doing what I think you're doing?" she called. 

Not hearing a response, she opened the door to my empty room. Noticing that it was vacant, she walked outside to see me. 

"Holy shit, what happened Y/N?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes. "While you were looking for sexy TMZ in my room, I was here, sprawling on the stairs," I said through gritted teeth. 

"Jesus, you really are clumsy. Butterfingers."

I wanted to slap her face, but instead I said, "Just help me up, asshole."

She lifted the box off of my leg and helped me up. 

"Who's it from?" she asked.

I looked her into the eye. "Noah."

She gasped just as I had. "Really?"

I nodded. 

She picked the knife up and stabbed it into the box, tearing the neatly packaged top into shreds. Inside, there was a ton of packaging and a bit of Noah's stuff.

A picture of him and me sat at the top. It was a selfie that we took at the top of the Glide building. 

I knew that our relationship started recently, but that felt like ages ago. I was well aware that we were moving fast, but I didn't mind.

The box was heavy because of all the packaging stuff and Noah's stuff at the bottom.

Under all that was a letter. I picked it up and brushed the shredded cardboard off of it.

I ripped the sticky stuff off of it and pulled out a note.

Hey Princess. Noah here. i really miss you, and since you and I don't really have each other's things, i wanted to give you some. So, I gave you a few of my awards to flash off, some of my pictures for your room, but Amy says you have a ton already. XD, Also some other stuff.

But most importantly, since I miss you so much, I got you and Amy tickets. Yes. Tickets to New York. I expect you to bring a box of your stuff bb.

See you soon,


I pulled the hidden tickets. Two tickets, first class. 

New York, here I come...

IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now