The Interview

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I woke up with Amy snoring next to me. She must've fell asleep in my bedroom. I groaned and pulled over. 

Amy twitched and said, "I love you too, David." I cringed at her weird David Dobrik dream.

Time Skip to when Y/N gets ready for the interview

I put my dress on and looked in the mirror. It looked great. Thank the lord for the seam holding my gut back.  

I let my hair down and (if you don't have curly hair) curled it.

I put my black heels on and found earrings to match them. I looked dressy but casual. Perfect.

I texted Noah my address and waited for a bit until his black Tesla rolled up and onto my driveway. 

"Bye Mom!" I shouted.

I heard a muffled bye and I went to the car. Noah got out and looked at me. 

"You look beautiful, Y/N." I looked at his outfit.

"You look great, Noah." 

I heard a voice yell, "Cut the horseshit and leave already." I looked up. It was Amy, yelling from the guest room window, with a pear in her hand. What was with her, creeping up on me, and eating random fruits?

"See you later, Amy."

I got in the back, and Noah sat next to me. 

"We're ready to go, Anderson," he said to his driver. Anderson nodded and started the car. 

After about an hour of jamming out to Panic! At The Disco, we arrived at Moon Studio. The home of Tristan Warner. Pretend he is a famous 22 year old host, like Ellen or Jimmy Fallon. I couldn't believe that I would ever actually set foot here. 

Noah looked at me quizzically and I said, "I just love Tristan Warner so much. I mean, 22 years old, and that successful? Wow." 

Noah looked kinda jealous, and I looked at him in question. 

"I'm 18, and I'm successful." I laughed and gave him a side hug. 

"Yes, you are."

Once we got inside, there were hundreds of people trying to swarm Noah, and I was easily unnoticed. Good. Noah handed me a ticket that said VIP Pass on it in gold. 

"Okay thanks. I'll see you after," I yelled. Noah nodded. At least he heard me.

After I sat in the VIP booth, I could see the crowd die down. I tried to find Noah, but he was gone. Probably backstage by now. 

Then, the lights dimmed and the stage was highlighted. Tristan Warner walked onstage and he received thunderous applause. 

"Hey everyone! Welcome to today's segment of the Getting Late With Tristan Warner. Our guest tonight is very special. He's one of the most famous young adult actors in the industry. Please give it up for Noah Schnapp!" 

The audience roared with excitement as Noah walked onstage. Tristan showed him to his seat.

"Ah, hello Noah! Thanks for coming out tonight," Tristan said. 

Noah smiled. "Thanks for having me."

"So, why were you in town, Noah?" he asked.

"Um, so there was this charity thing at Grace Children's Hospital. A lot of celebrities were volunteering, and I was invited. Also, there was a fan there, Y/N, who was turning 18 and I surprised her."

The audience clapped for him and his kindness.

"So, you and Y/N are now friends?"

"Yeah. We have been hanging out and she is like the Mario to my Luigi."

Tristan held up the picture of me and Noah hugging at the mall. "Hmm. Well, this picture makes it look like she's more of the Juliet to your Romeo."

Pretend it's you two at the mall

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Pretend it's you two at the mall.

I turned red and so did Noah. But, Noah was kinda smooth.

"Well, she was sad about something and I was comforting her."

I groaned at his response. 

"Okay then." 

The interview went on and eventually finished.

I walked out of the VIP booth and waited for Noah backstage.

He walked in and immediately fell back on me playfully. 

"That was bad." 

I sighed."It's okay."

"Yeah, I don't mind them thinking we're a couple." I looked at him in confusion. "I- I mean as long as we know the truth."

"Anyways, I still don't get why you made me dress up for this." He laughed. 

"I want to take you somewhere."

IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now