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A/n: This chapter is kinda long, but it's the content that you've been waiting for. Also, I just want to clarify that they are both 18 in this. I don't think I mentioned it because it's pretty obvious, but yeah.

The next day, I was flustered. I had no clue what place to show Noah, or if he'd even enjoy hanging out with me.

Think. He wants to meet at Starbucks, so you can get coffee and then go somewhere. Where, though? Mall? Wait. 

I got it. I know what to do.

So, after making my plan, I decided to get dressed. 

It was a decent outfit

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It was a decent outfit. Not too flashy, and no unnecessary skin showing. I put my hair into a middle part. Then, I put on some makeup. Ready. Or not.

I waved to Mom and got into my y/f/c Jeep. I closed the sunroof, so my hair and makeup wouldn't get ruined. Starbucks was about a mile or two away, so I decided to go slow. It was barely 5:30. 

By the time got there, I saw Noah's ride drop him off. I got out of the car. 

"Hey Noah!" I said, giving him a hug. 

"Hey Y/N. Wanna go get a drink?" he asked. I nodded and smiled. 

We got up to the counter, and surprisingly no one recognized Noah. 

"Two y/f/d please." I smiled at his choice. I loved those. 

We paid and left the shop. 

"So, did you think of places to show this cute face?" he asked as we got in my truck. I laughed.

"Yeah. Let's just hope you aren't scared of heights." He gave me a death stare. 

"Okay, princess. Let's see." I blushed at the name. Princess.

"Alright. On we go." 

We arrived at Glide in ten minutes. Glide is basically four levels of climbing obstacles and stuff that you have to cross to get to the top. It's fun, but hard. You are attached to a harness so you're safe.

"You up for a challenge, Schnapp?" I asked with a smirk. 

He tazered my hips and I started laughing. Stop it. Don't forget who you really are

I stopped and pointed at the top. "We can do it if we help each other." 

He sighed. "Okay."

We got hooked up 😉😏 on the harnesses and looked up. 

I started moving first. 

The first obstacle was a footing one. Wooden planks were all placed in different angles, and we had to cross them to get to the other side.

Noah followed after. Once we got to the other side, Noah kept moving. He pushed through these wedge things and held out his hand to hold my hand.

"Just manuever around or between the wedges." I did as he said. Once I got to the other side he gave me a high five. 

We kept working out way up until the rock climbing came up at the third level. I groaned. I suck at rock climbing.

"You've got this, Y/N." I nodded and pushed my self up. I put my foot on the hold and Noah followed. 

We were almost at the top when I tripped on a screw. Ah, screw this shit. I almost fell off, but Noah caught me and placed my foot on the hold. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. I looked him up and down. How was he so strong?

"Yeah." He smiled and we made it up the rock wall. That was it. We did it!

He pulled me into a hug. 

I blushed and said, "Good job." 

"You too."

We jumped down from there. Don't worry. With the harnesses, we were basically falling at the speed of a snail.

Once we got out of the harnesses, Noah pulled me to the truck. 

"I want to go to the mall. I have an interview tomorrow and it's nearby. I need something good." I laughed. 

"You always look good." He looked at me and I slightly smiled. 

"You do too."

I was dying on the inside, so I tried to remain calm. Noah called me good looking! 

"So," I said, clearing my throat, "Let's go to the mall."

IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now