C1: "The pain of impotence"

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In a calm and pleasant night some noises began to be felt, soon the tranquility of this was disturbed by some screams; These came from the only house on that secluded and quiet lot. The screams began to be heard louder and louder, also beginning to hear the sound of falling objects and broken glass.

Delicate objects flew from here to there, causing a mess inside the house; a storm seemed to have struck. However this was done by the man's inaccurate anger, he did not want to hit the person in front of her; He didn't want to be the kind of man who lays his hands on a woman.

No matter how hard she was, no matter if she really deserved it; He didn't want to be that kind of scum. However he felt more and more irritated, in none of the days that she was by his side did he obtain peace; He had to rob her to give him peace.

What kind of company was that? Is this how your partner is supposed to be? He had given her time to stop provoking him, due to the previous couple years that they were together; in those times they always walked well.

They probably got along well because they had never lived together, or maybe she always appeared in front of him; showing her true personality when he couldn't get rid of her anymore. Although if it could, it is not easy, to top it off she would keep the things that he had so hard to obtain.

He could no longer contain his anger against her so he hit her saying:

"You're unbearable!" He kicked her with utter contempt.

"Please tell me where I'm wrong, causing you discomfort was not my intention," she said crying, causing him to hit her against the ground again.

"Do you think you can live with good intentions? Didn't you have all the time you wanted to change and learn? You still dare to ask for more!" He yells at her with hatred, he blamed her for being the one will cause a woman to be beaten; He didn't want to be that kind of man. However, what he lived with her caused him to bring out what he hated the most about himself from within.

-Forget it love- said a woman who was next to her- it's not worth it- this bitch was supposed to be her friend, she was supposed to support her just like she did; however he managed so that he and she hated each other and thus be able to steal it.

The woman on the floor does not know how much she was framed and harmed by her naivety, nor did she know that this was the beginning of her misfortunes. Because of that woman she did not stop suffering, wherever it was she suffered verbal or physical abuse and everything was orchestrated by this woman; she didn't know until she was about to faint.

"Why?" She asked this unarmed woman without knowing why she hated him so much. She never did anything to hurt him.

She just laughed viciously without answering him, she didn't have to waste her time with an insect; leaving her to die imprisoned in the house where she was kidnapped.

"Answer me!" She got up from her bed screaming "Eh? This looks like my room; Did I reincarnate myself in the past?" She ran to the bathroom just to see that her assumption was correct. She thanked the heavens for this second chance by promising that she wouldn't be fooled a second time.

The first thing is to verify what date it is and I will start preparing for the future, there are several things about it that you cannot control; Remembering the regrets of his previous life, he decided to focus on solving them. In addition to the fact that she was not the only one with regret, this would be a good time to prepare and thus avoid their future suffering.

Then the image of that "Bitch" who called herself his friend crossed his mind, he is not going to leave him in something as simple as avoiding her to avoid framing her; if she does not do everything so that they can see if she is real, she will not be happy.

-Candela if I don't show everyone your face I'm not human! - she said rubbing herself in front of the mirror. She soon felt ashamed of the scene she was doing, luckily she was alone in her house; Usually it used to be like this

Despite not being an only child, she ended up at home alone, her parents busy with work; while his brothers hung out with their friends. She could only join them if they played at home or with friends from the neighborhood, however they avoided this because they were her friends and not hers.

To make matters worse, she was bullied at school so she had no friends, added to the fact that her brothers were of different ages with respect to her; It made it almost impossible for him to socialize. Which caused her to not know how to communicate well with people, it also made her very naive and unable to understand when they were wanting to frame her.

Many times in her past to make friends, she allowed herself to be convinced to do things that damaged her or tied her image. Many times she imitated the personality or attitudes of others in order to fit in, yet she was still discriminated against.

They liked to make her cry to laugh at how she cried, the way she cried like a baby and choked from crying so much was funny to them. So it didn't matter if she was right or wrong, they still isolated her and played with her.

To make matters worse at home they made fun of her saying joking things seriously, laughing that she will take it seriously; causing her to be able to understand things like sarcasm because of it. To top it off they never supported her or cared to see why she cried at school, leaving her for having made a scandal.

Over time she became more and more isolated from her family because of this, she felt despised because of this and the unequal treatment between the siblings. Making preferences over some by treating others less.

Spoiled some in all his tantrums, dedicating himself well to another. She hated the hypocrisy of her parents, especially she hated her mother; Who because of the beauty that she had raised her to be the useless adornment of a rich child.

She intended to make her live off her husband after polishing her body, however she did not notice this until her adulthood making it very difficult for her to learn how to improve; she feels that no matter how much she tried she could never learn how to even be normal.

However now that she knew some things she would not let herself fall again, she would now be the one to teach them all a lesson; especially those hypocrites who played with her and her feelings. She would make him pay.

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