Chapter 6

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I stepped out in the bedroom again and no he wasn't sleeping, he wasn't gone out, he was there, right in front of me lying casually on his bed with one hand behind his neck sipping another glass of whiskey, staring at me. He is still bare chest but has changed into black sweat pants. I looked down to floor as he caught me staring him again and I could feel his smirk.

He kept his glass at the bed side chest beside his gun.

I took few steps in front and stopped as he got up. I kept my gaze down as he came near me. He was still boring holes in me with his stare as he circled me as if I am some kind of a prey and he is predator going to feed on it. Because that's what he is stupid .

He stood in front of me too close for me to breathe, he put his hand forward to touch my face I flinched, but he ignored and went ahead anyway touching the bruise that was the result of his slap. "Do you know why I did this, Sophia?" Every time he said my name I feel a chill run through my spine, I slowly shook my head in a "no" without meeting his eyes. He lifted my chin up with his fingers forcing me to look in his eyes. I saw the same coldness in them but their was something else, there was anger, was he angry at me? " Words Doll. Use your words". " N-N-No Don" I stuttered in almost a whisper, but I guess he heard because he replied. "I did this because you are mine" he claimed, and my eyes went wide he continued as he grazed his finger beside my eye "the only reflection I want in these big eyes should me mine" he moved downwards touching my nose "the only fragrance I want on you should be mine just like right now, I can smell myself on you" he bend forward and I can feel his nose rubbing in the crook of my neck. He lifted his face and trailed his finger down to my lips. He rubbed my lips with his thumb as he continued "the only name I want on these rosy petals should be mine, not Marc", I was looking at him as he said his name with gritted teeth and his hold on my chin tightens. I was terrified, tears were forming in my eyes I couldn't breathe, I guess I would be needing a lot of oxygen if he is going to be so close, why does he invoke so much fear in me ? I survived Marc and that "best friend of his" my step dad who was nothing but an excuse of a human, why does Don has this much control over me? I was literally shivering at his touch when he wrapped a strand of my hair on his finger and slide it behind my ear and whispered "Breathe, Doll"

I managed to breathe a little as he move a step back, but little did I know that was only to circle me again. I let out a gasp as I felt his hands on my hair. He kind of rolled them in his fist and brought them to his face. "hmmm" I heard him as I felt his head rolling back slightly with my hair like when you relish in the aroma of your favorite food. Did he just sniff my hair? "You have beautiful hair. Dark just like the midnight. I like night. You know why? Because night is when the wolves come to hunt, when the demons suck you out of blood." He whispered in a deep voice shifting my hair to one side exposing my neck to him. He wrapped me from behind in his strong arms making my hands immobile. I let out a whimper as he hid his face and I feel his breath on the crook of my neck. He kept on kissing on my soft spot, biting me, kind of living up his analogy of demon sucking my blood, he move towards my ear and he claimed again "You are mine Sophia, don't ever forget that, hmm now say it" and I shivered at his demand, "say it " he ordered again harshness increasing in his tone and with broken voice I stuttered "I-I-I am y-yours, D-Don", "Damon" he said "my name is Damon, say it with my name. "I-I-I" I couldn't form the full sentence. "I am a very sadistic man Sophia, with very little patience, you do not want to test it now, do you?" I was trembling with fear and I don't know how I managed speak "Let me go, please" he buried himself again at my neck and his hold became more tighter around my arms "shhhh.....breathe amore" I cringed at his nick name for me. I know its Italian for beloved which I am not and though I don't know Italian but I have watched enough TV to know this.

He continued "You are mine and I am never letting you go, I will give you everything mio amore except your freedom from me"

I tried to catch my voice between the whimpers that were escaping my throat it felt as if someone snatched the ground beneath my feet and there is nothing to hold onto as I am being sucked into this black hole, he lost his patience as he spin me around facing him. He held my head by fisting my hair and I closed my eyes with fear awaiting another blow of the day but it didn't come, instead I felt his nose touching mine, he was so close to me my breathing increased my eyes still closed as I felt his breath on me. It felt like the time stopped as I felt his lips on me, I felt a flutter it was intensifying. My heart pounding in my chest as I got weaker in the knees, I let out a gasp as I felt his hand squeezing my ass and he took the opportunity to let his tongue in. Even his kiss was dominating, he was claiming his possession on me. The kiss that started softly turned into raw emotion that was addicting all my senses. Slowly he parted, I catch my breath.

"You are mine Sophia, say it" he said against my lips. We were still breathing hard with our foreheads touching. When his command met my silence, he said "I don't repeat myself and I have already been a lot patient with you my Doll." I can sense his temper rising. I was too scared to defy him and gave in "I-I am yours D-Damon". And there was his bone chilling smirk back. "That's my girl" he said as he pecked on my lips again, he won and he knows it "Wasn't that hard, now was it, not everyone has the privilege of knowing my name and neither will everyone know but you, you my Doll will be screaming my name at every orgasm you will have from now on".

His comment trembled me to the soul and before I could even contemplate what he said I felt his hand unbuttoning the shirt I am wearing. My hand flew to hold his hand but he held it with his other hand before it could reach the one opening the buttons and one look from him made me withdraw my hand. God, this man has dominated me by just one look! Good going Sophia. I scolded myself as he continued unbuttoning me.

His eyes still on me and my eyes grew wide like I saw ghost as the razor I had hidden under my bra came into my vision.

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