Chapter 8

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As she laid in my arms slowly drifting into sleep, I dozed off to the moment I first laid eyes on her on that stage at Marc's auction house. I went to meet that dung beetle Marc so that I can collect my debt from him. He always thinks he is so smart, he dogged my men so many times with his tact, hence I have to go myself to get him in the line.

Crossing the hallway to reach his office I move past the auction hall, I stopped by the ajar door when I saw the most beautiful girl ever. I entered the hall and immediately greeted by Marc, well that saved a trip to his office who has started blurting out excuse on repayment. I shushed him with my hand the only thing I could see right now were those big eyes staring back at me. She was so beautiful, its not like I haven't seen pretty girls, in contrast I am majorly surrounded by them but there was something else in her beauty. Standing in that spotlight she looked like a crystal doll. My Doll, a voice in my head whispered. Her skin was so creamy and her eyes...her big brown eyes. They were like pools of dark chocolate. They were so big. They were mysterious. They hid a story. They were intensely expressive yet so empty, there was so much pain in them yet I could see a glimer of hope. They were like mirror of her soul. They seems so....broken.

I couldn't take my eyes off her and I know neither can she because she was staring right back at me. Its like we were trapped in some sort of a trance. She looked so vulnerable standing on that pedestal in her sorry excuse of clothes. She ignite something in me, a sense of possessiveness, that I never felt before. I wanted to burn alive every man in this room looking and bidding at her like a piece of meat. I wanted to protect her, but I also wanted to hurt her. I wanted her with me, I want her to tremble beneath me, I want her screaming my name as I fuck her, I want her laughter for me, I also want her tears for me, I wanted her to be mine. Just imagining me ravishing those lips made my cock hardened under my jeans and I said to Marc without tearing my eyes off her "I want her". "Yes Don" Marc replied almost promptly and the light went off. I guess they were taking her down. I heard the distress in crowd and it irritated me so I stepped out of that hall with Marc following me "I release you from your debt you owe me, have her at my home tonight, dress her in something classy" I ordered Marc, leaving that place. I heard him saying "You got it boss, Thank you Don" while I sat in my SUV.

Whole my ride to home I couldn't think of anyone else. The image of her lying tied to my bed and trembling underneath me moaning my name were flashing in front of my eyes. I want her so much. Why? Why was I so drawn to her, the thought of her with any of those bastards biding on her made me beyond angry. My knuckles were turning white because of my tight hold on the steering. I realize that this is turning into an obsession for her. This can't be good.

I reached home. Poured myself a bourbon to get some hold and drove her thought away a bit. I crouched down building the fire in my living room, when I heard the most irritating voice "I heard someone got mugged himself while collecting the money" followed by his chuckle. I let out an irritating sigh as I turned towards my brother "How the fuck does the news reach you before I even came back?" "Are you serious? Are you meeting me for the first time? Whose strippers do you think perform the opening act of Marc's auction?" He said with a scoff. "Shut up Ric" I said as I looked down concentrating on the fire and my drink, to avoid him at any cost, and he laughed. He literally laughed at me "The Satan fell in love, who could have seen that coming?" That's it he crossed a line I got up and held his collar "I am not in love" I said with gritted teeth and he raised his hands in surrender "Woah Woah, calm down, no need to go all gangster on me" and I backed off creasing his dress shirt. As soon as I turned he started singing and shouting like a crazy child "Don is in loooveeee " . "Ricardo Caprio, I am going to kill you" I said as I lunged forward and he escaped my hold, and we were running across the living room when we stumbled and fell we both lay on our backs and started laughing. We got up and gave each other a bro hug.

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