"Questo non è un problema per il momento"
(That is not a problem for the moment) I had more pressing matters to deal with than this. The time will come but it is decided Kiara will be my wife.


"Questo mi piace vedere"(This I like to see)

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"Questo mi piace vedere"
(This I like to see)

"You look so good when you smile. I prefer you happy." She added.

"I think any normal person would Camila."

"Well you should smile and laugh more often. This might be a shitty situation but you should just make the best of it. "

"And how exactly am I supposed to do that?"

"Well you got me as a friend. I'd like to think that's a start." She shrugged.

"Yeah I guess so." I gave her a half smile.

"dovremmo fare qualcosa di divertente stasera, come andare allo strip club"
(we should be doing something fun tonight, like going to the strip club)

"Sei pazza Camila?"
(Are you crazy Camila?)

"You need to loosen up Kiara. You're a bit uptight. There's no way you'll be any less miserable the way you are right now."

"And for whatever reason you think the best way to loosen up is to go to a strip club?" I asked her like she's crazy.

"Trust me it will be really fun. You'll have a good time and I don't know about you but I'm in need of a stress relief."

"This coming from the woman who got married what--barely two weeks ago?" I raised a brow.

"Non giudicarmi Kiara. Una ragazza vuole solo divertirsi"
(Don't judge me Kiara. A girl just wants to have fun)

"Look I couldn't go even if I wanted to Camila."

"Hm..and why is that?"

" Have you forgotten that I'm supposedly dating your brother? Do you really think Dario will allow me to go to a strip club ?"

" Have you forgotten that I'm supposedly dating your brother? Do you really think Dario will allow me to go to a strip club ?"

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"Hmm you're probably right."

"Quindi non glielo chiederemo allora"
(So we won't ask him then)

"Dimenticalo. Non sto uscendo di nascosto per andare in uno strip club Sei pazzo se pensi che sarei d'accordo"
(Forget about it. I'm not sneaking out to a strip club. You're crazy if you think I'd agree) If I were to sneak out of here it would be to get out of this house not to go to a damn strip club.

"I'm not suggesting we sneak out. I'm just suggesting we don't tell him exactly where we're going. Just that we're heading out for a good time."
Is she dumb ? Did she forget his bodyguards drive and accompany us everywhere? The minute we arrive they'll call him and he'll have us back driven back before we even step foot in the damn building or at least before I step foot in it.

"That's impossible with his guards on us like leeches and you should know better."

"You right urghh. I hate this!" Not more than me. Then an idea hit me. Maybe we should sneak off. If I could get out of this mansion without Dario or his guards catching us then I could make my escape.

"On second thought.. maybe we should just try to sneak out." I shrugged.

"Mi scusi?"(excuse me)

"Just hear me out.. maybe it would be our best option after all. I thought it over. If you can successfully get us out of the mansion undetected then we just need to find a way to sneak back in before Dario notices."

"You were just against the whole idea of it like five seconds ago" she said watching me suspiciously.

"Yes but my friend told me that I need to loosen up and honestly I don't feel like being locked up in this place tonight. Dario has a few business meetings tonight so we should at least have a few hours to enjoy ourselves." I told her. Hopefully she agreed. If she could get us out of here then maybe I have an actual chance of escaping the hands of Dario Romano. I'm not sure where I'll go but as long as its away from here. I just need to get out of here then I'll be able to think logically and decide on my next move.

"Okay then, fine. I'll get us out of here. We'll go to the mall as planned and I'll drop you back off. I'll return when I know Dario is gone then we'll leave."

"O-okay." It was a bit terrifying honestly because one wrong move and that could cost me another beating but I was willing to take the risk.

"Ouu I feel so devious just thinking about tonight. This will be fun" she smirked.


You guys think Kiara will really go through with her plan ? 👀

NB: I haven't reviewed any chapters so please simply make note of any errors for me and I will review when editing the story. Or even places where I forgot to include the GOOGLE translations. Please don't come for my italian I speak nothing but english and a lil spanish💀

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