Chapter 8: Wants

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Francesco put Serenity in the truck and slid in after her, Ricci watched as he gathered her him in his arms still. He was silent, and it was pissed off silent. Francesco's breath started to be uneasy, because of how angry he was. He couldn't touch a hair on Sebastian's head but he wanted to. Sebastian was basically at the same level as him but since he didn't get picked to be the head of the family. He got freedom, he got to do anything he wanted and do anything he pleased. No following orders or taking commands.

He wanted the position just as bad as Francesco when going against each other. They wanted power over freedom. You would think that there is power in freedom but that wasn't the case with this family.

If you didn't have the power and wasn't following under it, you might as well have fallen off the face of the earth.

That very fact had given Sebastian and element of surprise.

"Calm," Francesco was brought out of his head when Serenity touched his face. She had finally addressed him with her voice. "You gotta breathe." She said hoarsely. Her face still buried in his chest but he followed her instructions.

"Hey, Serenity," Ricci spoke

"Hi, Ricci." She said back. And that was the only words spoken in the truck for the rest of the ride. Francesco held her hand against his face the warmth ran through his body. God, this was a feeling he had missed. The tingles ran down his spine in the most satisfying way.

Once they got to the hotel, Francesco still carried her all the way from the door to the room. And once Lester opened the door. He had stayed in the room with Serin who had laid down quietly just staring into space ever since she had gotten to the room.

"Serenity," Lester spoke, she heard the smile in his voice. "It's good to see you."

"Let me put her down on the bed," Francesco said to him and he moved out the way. "You need all the rest you can get, my dear."

She didn't respond she just felt him as he put her down on the bed and once he did he instantly got on his knees and took her shoes off. Like he did the first time she told him she was pregnant. Then he looked over to Serin who seemed to be still in a daze.

"I'm a horrible husband and a father, and I'm wrong for the decisions I've made." Francesco started. "There is truly no excuse for not telling you Serenity." He called her Serenity, he was thinking clearly now. "I can't force you not to be upset, that's on your terms. If I had a term on when to tell you I had a child outside of this marriage then you can have a term of when to not be upset with me. I love you and I owe you that much." Francesco said still on his knees not looking her in the eye unless she wanted him to.

"Serin, I appreciate you helping your mother, I think it's beautiful that you have her spirit," Francesco said. "You looked crushed, and I hate that I did that to you."

"I am a man known for cleaning up loose ends and I didn't do that in this situation, I'm really sorry to disappoint you Serenity. As your husband," Then he turned to Serin and he held her hand and turned back to Serenity and he offered it to her. He felt her eyes on his hand and he just balled it up but suddenly surprised when she placed her hands on top of it. With that, he reopened his hand so her's could fall in place. "And as your father, a man like me doesn't deserve you two in my life."

"Why Daddy," Serin asked finally looking at him. "Why would you step out on mom? All those years I watched you adore this woman. This beautiful woman just to learn you cheated on the most beautiful face?"

"I was weak, I was the weakest man and still at this moment. Your mother was out cold and I became weak." Francesco's voice cracked. "Her face when she found out still haunts me, I had made sure I could be the best husband to her and the best father to you and your siblings. She swallowed her pride for me and stayed willingly. And even though she blamed the Devil I knew she never forgave me. It wasn't any future arguments and she never reminded me but there was doubt in her eyes every time I said I loved her. Every time I looked into her eyes, she was in love with me but I could tell. I can never forgive myself for breaking your mother's heart, especially this time again."

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