Chapter 18: Truth Shall Set You Free

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Francesco went through the files first and placed the journal next to Serenity. Serenity picked up the book and went to the marked page, assuming that's where they wanted her to start. She started to read as Francesco went through the paperwork.

"Cousins. This isn't right—I have the paperwork in my office," Francesco started. Did they expect him to accept this? He had already accepted the fact that Daniel was in his life. And that's how it's going to stay. "This can't be right."

"Papa, look at the date on those papers," Parish said catching up to him as he went to his office.

"That is my son!" Francesco said as he burst into his office. He went through his file cabinet and pulled out the papers he had. "He is mine."

"He isn't!" Parish said slamming the more recent test on top of it. "This is a true test from the facility. We tested him and he isn't our brother. We accept him as one and he can stay as long as he wants but biologically he isn't your son papa."

"That doesn't make any sense," Francesco said sitting in his chair. "I cheated out and he's the child from it." He looked off into space for a moment trying to make sense of it all. Then they heard a muffled screech from Serenity. Francesco scrambled to his feet and rushed downstairs.

He found the book face down on the floor and Serenity in tears again. He got on his knees and moved her hands from her face.

"Hey, what happened to that beautiful smile what's going on?" Francesco said trying to soothe her. She couldn't find the words to tell him even though they were right there. It was hard to say. Francesco simply picked up the journal and flip to the beginning pages that were marked to read.

Serenity and the rest of the kids waited and waited. Serenity lifted him to his feet and held on to him. She had her ear against his chest and he heard his heartbeat thud quickly.

"I don't understand," Francesco said and there was a crack in his voice. He felt something leave him. He felt his body go limp and Serenity went down with him. "I didn't cheat?"

"You didn't cheat." Serenity said. "You didn't do it."

"But, I'm a dog, a demon," Francesco started. "I've caused you so much pain."

"Francesco, you aren't responsible for this pain that we've dealt with for all these years." Serenity said. "You aren't guilty of this baby," Serenity kept hugging him and he slid his arms around her to bring her in more.

"But I—"

"You let the guilt of me being hurt trick you," Serenity said. "It was all a lie you've carried this in vain." Serenity rubbed his back and held the back of his head. "We can be free from this now because It never happened." Serenity felt her neck become wet with tears. As he cried silent tears.

"Why would someone do this?" Francesco said. "Why?"

"Jealousy makes people do evil deeds," Serenity said. "That's why it's a deadly sin."

"I want his head," Francesco said. "I want it on my wall with the rest."

"Now Francesco," Serenity said but instead he pulled her up with him and looked down at her with anger but she knew it wasn't towards her. It was towards Sebastian and some towards Lenny.

"I could have lost you," Francesco said. "I could have lost the love of my life and what watch them parade you around? That's my place to do that. You are MINE. Watch them marry you and have children? They were trying to kill me. I'm nothing without you and they know that I almost took my life because of a LIE. They tried to take you away from me and for that, they have to pay. This isn't for you, this is for me. They tried to take my pride and joy away from me and I won't STAND for it. I REFUSE to we were meant to be," Francesco started to sound like himself again. "You belong to me and always will they must be idiotic to think that I would let you go. That I would let you leave me. Preposterous."

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