Chapter 5: Name the Game

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"Good morning, Sorella," Fouco said greeting Rosa. "How is my sister doing?"

"Have you talk to your son?" Rosa asked.

"He's been out of it at meetings, he just sits in this way that I can't bear to look at," Focuo said.

"Does Serenity still have an assigned backup?" Rosa asked.

"No, the board decided not to do that to her, besides she and Francesco have been married for a while now." He said sitting in the chair next to her.

"Who was her assigned mate then?" Rosa said.

"It was Lenny, what does it matter?" Focuo asked. He noticed Rosa's Silence. "What's going on?"

Rosa filled him in on everything that had been happening this week. And his face turned pale white.

"Where is she now?" He asked.

"She is still in the roo—"

Then they heard a roar, and it was deadly. It was Francesco yelling for Serenity the whole house shook.

"Oh no." Rosa said rushing to get up and Focuo stayed put knowing what was happening to his son. That same beast they though they laid to rest when she got kidnapped is waking up. And he is upset and angry.


"Boys, Goodmorning," Parish said getting them together. "I see you've read the notes."

"We're glad she did it," Nicola said. "I don't think I've ever seen Mama on a vacation."

"We know not to tell Francie anything," Matteo said. "She's always been the sneaky quiet one anyway."

"Take care of the twins," Alessio said finally. "Make sure they stay safe at all cost, and don't let Francie teach them wrong while both her and Mama are gone."

"Good, and if you have any questions just talk to me." Parish said.

"What about your place in running?" Nicola said worried.

"What about it? The board should understand that I'm worried about my family." Parish said. "To be honest I'm pissed off at the board right now."

All the boys nodded in understatement, Parish didn't really say much of how she felt most of the time so when things like this happen and did hear how she felt they knew to listen.

"Good-morning boys," Parish heard Francie's voice behind her. "You all ready for breakfast?"

"Yea, we'll be down in a minute," Matteo said.

"Figured we walk down as a family." Francie said standing beside Parish now. She felt Parish's eyes on her and I made her skin crawl.

"What's the big deal?" Nicola said. "We'll just meet you at the table."

"Gio." Parish heard that small voice it was Romona. Parish instantly held out her hand for her to grab. And Roman grabbed her hand and Parish kind of looked at him strangely. He usually went to Francesca's hand but instead he grabbed the other. Then she noticed the twins staring at each other.

They were smarter than she thought.

Then that's when they heard their father roar their mother's name. The twins hugged her legs and the boys looked at each other.

"You knew this was going to happen, this is why they should have talked it out." Francesca said.

"You got one more time to ignore the fact of what mama needed." Parish said.

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