Chapter 16: Moving On

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Ricci and Lester arrived at the medical facility at the same time Rosa came with the rest of the kids.

They had found Francesco alone in a room sitting in silence.

"Is she alright? Why is she in here?" Lester started and when he finally got a good look at Francesco's face. His eyes were puffy and red, and his face was pale. "Fran..."

"She lost the babies," Francesco said trying to keep his natural tone but it made his voice worse. "She was stressed out and she had an anxiety attack in my arms as she lost them." He felt himself being pulled into his friend's arms. Ricci and Lester just held him and waited for him to fall apart. When he did the sound that he let out and the tears that fell were now apart of them. Tear stain on their shirts and the sound echoed in their heads they felt his pain. 

"We aren't going to leave you alone to deal with this," Ricci said. "We know you're in pain and you need to be there for Serenity, but are going to be there for you."

"Rosa brought the rest of the kids here, and Francesca is on her way," Lester told him. "She won't be alone for too long but for now just let it out."

Parish and Serin held each of the twins as they took a nap in their arms. They didn't really understand what was going on but they didn't like the site of seeing their mother sick. And the boys sat by her bedside. They were so attentive just like Francesco and their faces were started to shape. When did they suddenly grow, had she been so down that she didn't see her sons bloom?

"Mama," Alessio started. She looked started to hear his voice. It was deeper gone was the high-pitched voice she knew. "Maybe God reassigned them, to a family that needed them?" She just smiled at him.

"You know baby," Serenity said running her hands through his hair. "That's not a bad idea."

"Mom, is Dad the cause of you being in so much pain lately?" She heard the anger in Nicola's voice. "I don't like that."

"Nicola, don't carry that anger," She said turning his face to hers. She couldn't help but notice how much he looked like Francesco when he was upset. "Don't."

"But Mama," Matteo started to protest. "You've carried that anger all by yourself and you've been stressed."

"Maybe if none of us was born you wouldn't be going through this," Alessio said.

"HEY," Serenity smacked him upside his head with what strength she had. "Don't you ever think that or say that ever again." He just looked at her in sadness. "You are my babies, If I didn't have any of you knowing how amazing you are and how beautiful you are I would be sad. I'm proud to have you as my child regardless. And that goes for all of you."

"Even me..." She heard Francesca's voice from the other side of the room. Francesca couldn't even look at her in her eye. She felt like she was the cause of her anxiety and stress all because of the previous ways she had thought. "I'm just a disappointment..."

"Hush and come by my side," Serenity beckon for her to come closer. Francesca hesitantly came to her side. "Look at me." Francesca looked at her mother with tears in her eyes and Serenity saw the dark circles form. "You haven't been sleeping, and you've been running yourself ragged."

"I'm sorry I hurt you," Francesca felt a hand go on her cheek and Serenity felt her tears go down her arm.

"I've already forgiven you," Serenity said and smiled at her. "But you shouldn't look for my forgiveness you should look for God's forgiveness because at the end of it all he is who you answer to. So, do some soul searching baby but I will always be proud of you and love you."

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