Chapter 13: What Can Be Found in Silence?

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Later that day Daniel went home after spending some time with his new family. Daniel sat doing his homework in his empty home, which usually had music playing through it. Usually from his mother cooking and walking around the house doing things. But it was just empty, it felt like no life lived there.

He guessed this was the reason why he was going over his new family's house a lot. And no one judged him there. Everyone welcomed him in and talked to him. Unlike his mother's side of the family who may have helped raise him but seem to only call him for money even though he had given them a good share of his.

He was even surprised that Serenity talked to him today, she reminded him of his mother but she was sweeter and more nurturing. There wasn't one ounce of hatred in her when she talked to him and looked at him in his eyes.

He could get addicted to that feeling, he saw why his siblings were obsessed with it. He couldn't believe that they were so nice to him and treating him like family. He didn't even think Francesco would treat him so kindly.

He sat for a minute and stared at the paper below him, he decided to put it away and when he opened his draw he saw his medical file in there. He remembers he had put it in there from previously going through it. He decided to go through it one more time. Something was telling him to go through its one more time.

Why go through it?


Serenity walked to the bedroom door and stood in the doorway, she watched as Francesco's back was faced towards her and he was sitting on her side of the bed with his face in his hands. He looked to be thinking to himself, she looked at the bed and noticed something. She had left something there the night that she left. It was her bonnet on the side of the bed. It still was laying there in the same position it was left in.

Has he not been sleeping?

"Another night without you," Francesco said to himself. "I'll do anything for you to be in my arms again."

Serenity looked at him with tired eyes and she could see that he was just as tired as she. Worn down. Tired.

Broken. Tired.

This wasn't the same 'Broken' Francesco she had encountered in the past. She noticed it earlier when he talks to her. He didn't try to force something and he didn't even hold her the same. He held her more gently, trusting her not to pull away. Trusting her in her words, and trusting her word when she said that they had to work on themselves so their relationship could survive.

It could survive because in the end she still loved him. She hated what he did, yes, but she loved him. She had kept journals about how she felt, she actually sat down wrote out the good and the bad that he had done to her. It was way more good than bad, so she would stay and fight.

She just can't forget the good times but she couldn't just swallow her pride on this one. He had to know how she felt. True most of the family like her but out of all those times she had to travel with him to go to business meetings. And she had to sit with the spouses of the family she heard them gossip. They didn't understand how she caught someone like Francesco. How they would talk about how Francesco is probably cheating on her and a child would turn up soon. And she always forced herself to push those thoughts in the back of her mind. She smiled and grit her teeth. She never told Francesco because she didn't want him to think that she couldn't stand up for herself and she didn't need him showing his ass.

But that was her husband she should be comfortable to tell him anything but she sacrificed her own feelings to keep the peace she had grown addicted to.

It was unhealthy for her to keep its all in.

All of a sudden Francesco was on the floor and she felt her body move and then she froze again. His hands were pressed together.

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