Chapter 7: Inquiry

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"Jules, I appreciate your cooperation," Francesco said. "You work fast for me just to talk to you last night."

"If there is some creepy ass man going after my daughter and granddaughter their safety comes first."

"So, you agree, I need to find them."

"More like they need to run, from you or him it doesn't matter."

"One time, I stepped one time. I've followed her guidance ever since, and I'll be damned if I can't fix this."

"You just can't nip it in the bud right there and then. This isn't just a situation you can do that with, It only takes one time Francesco you should know that. But what did I really expect from a dimwitted mafia man? And an expert in the field and an idiot at love." Jules said.

For once Francesco didn't have a comeback, he just took the hit. There was no use to fighting it he was right. Serenity was the second real relationship he had ever been in, the first one broke him so bad that he continued the cycle. And he damn near broke Serenity.

"Turns out they are in the same place," Jules said. "You got plane to catch you should be there by tonight."

"Thank you again Jules." Francesco bowed.

"Yeah, Yeah, get going."


"How do you feel Mama," Serin asked she was being more cautious around Serenity knowing she was pregnant.

"I'm okay, do you know where you going tonight?"

"I'll be close just know that, I don't trust him my gut is doing the electric slide." Serin

"Well, that's not any good." Serenity said. "But if you are near by then we will fine."

"Cousin Sebastian hasn't had any wife or family of his own, I would think he'd hang around with the other part off the family more."

"Some people like their solitude." Serenity said. "But I see what you're saying."

"I'm not just saying this because he's family, that man is actually handsome, a woman should have jumped in his bones by now." Serin said.

"There are men his age that still like to play the field," Serenity said. "Some men aren't ready to settle."

"You think he'll call Daddy?" Serin asked.

"I think he's moving on his own agenda." Serenity said. "And what ever it is, it involves me."

"Mafia business never involves you mama," Serin said. "Why would it start now?"

"Before you were born a lot had went down, and it was because of me. At one point of time I became a Helen of Troy. And I didn't believe I'd become one in this lifetime and it had happened." Serenity told her.

"You never told me this story."

"I lived through it fine, but the aftermath of it was scary to me but I sucked it up."


"The whole ordeal changed your father, each event that evolved me changed him."

"Changed him?"

"For instance, the story of how I decided to give my life to save his, when I was in recovery and finally woke up your father was the first one that greeted me and then immediately fussed at me and then it gradually got worse and he bruised my wrist. And after he realised what he did he regretted it. Then there was the incident when I found out that he cheated, he didn't eat or sleep for days and he even tried to end his life. I don't know if that was manipulative or not but I had to pull him out of it. Finally, it was the Calsum incident, I had gotten kidnapped by a man who I didn't even know and I had my eyes closed to avoid conversations with him but when I finally opened them and I saw your father's face it was demented, worse that what I had ever scene. And I don't know what happened of Calsum but your father came blood drenched."

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