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10 years later

"Don't be nervous," Parish said. "They are going to love you regardless." She said to herself. She had left for all these years without anyone finding her. Other than her immediate family no one knew where she was. Hansel always kept up with her to make sure she was okay. And any other family member would try to send messages through the family to tell her to come back.


She remembered that day clearly after it all was said and done with Francesco and Sebastian. The people that were in the running to become family head made their speeches. Went through a physical test and sparred in front of the family. Show every skill that they had, and Parish had the highest score every time.

She tried her hardest, but when it came down to it. They chose Hansel.

She knew it would happen. Hansel was pissed off and came to her defense.

"That's a load of bullshit!" Hansel exclaimed. "You know she had higher scores in everything."

"Actually you two were tied," they said. "We don't understand this outburst."

"She is the better choice you dumbass!" Hansel said pointing at Parish. She just stood with cross arms waiting to be over with. "She's been the better choice since the beginning, she is the right person for this."

"Parish will be your second hand,"

"I will do no such thing," Parish interrupted.

"How is this happening a second time?!" The board was starting to grow upset. "Francesco, please talk some sense into your daughter!"

"She has spoken, and it's her life," Francesco said. "If she doesn't want to work for the family any longer. Then that's her choice, have you all learned nothing from what has happened?" Francesco stood up.

"Respect people's decisions and leave them alone," Francesco said. "Hansel, I understand your frustration. You see the same thing that I do, this board is so outdated and isn't prepared to have their first female head, let alone a mixed one."

No one objectified.

"Hansel, every piece of paper has been stamped with approval for you to take my place," Francesco said. "It's been set in stone."

"Parish, why the sudden defiance?" They asked.

"I came willing to lay my life down for this family," Parish said. "Whatever you trained me to do I was very prepared to put it into practice. Then I realize this was coming up, and after what happened after these months. It's been revealed to me this family has a bad reputation for favorites. Like how you all put in place in my sister's head that she was better than me and Serin. Because she was white-passing, she had the long pretty straight hair, and probably some other qualities that you like. The only reason I was in the first place is that I actually proved that I had skill but there was no way you all were going to let me take this. I'm happy you chose Hansel instead of some other idiot who couldn't even compare to him."

"Gio," Hansel called her name out of sadness. He thought maybe if they'd chose her she would stay. His best friend could stay and he'd have someone to talk to. How could she speak so highly of him when she was clearly better? "Please don't do this."

"Hansel, I already told you I was going to do this," Parish said. "It's okay, it's in your hands now and you are going to lead this family in great ways." She said encouraging him.

"I thought you were devoted to this family," they started.

"I am devoted to MY family," Parish said. "I would do anything to protect them. My family is the family that has been there for me. Talk to me, got to know me. Generally wanted to be around me. This family just calls me to work, no special conversations, not even a game of cards. This isn't MY family. It's the people that I'm related to. Know the difference."

No Hesitation: Book of GioOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant