Chapter 3

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New In Town-Chapter 3

Kendall's P.O.V.

Pretty soon we pulled up at a small cafe on the north side of town. The air was crisp and cold and the moon was shining brightly over our heads. Even being in a noisy city, it was still somehow peaceful. I followed Louis inside, and we sat at a little table in the corner of the restaurant. 

I keep thinking, maybe now is the right time to bring it up. Mom's de

ath. But should I? Do I even need to? It will probably happen when the time is right, I don't want to push it. Everything is so happy and calm right now and I really don't want to ruin it already.

Louis finally breaks the silence by saying "I have to go tot the studio tomorrow, so I probably won't be there when you wake up. And then I have a date with Meghan that evening....well I feel really bad about ditching you on your first day here Kendall. I was hoping I could show around the city, maybe the day after?" He asks seeming upset.

"Lou it's fine. And yeah the day after will be great. It will give me some time to finish unpacking and get settled in." I say flashing him a smile, although I was slightly disappointed, I already knew he would be busy before I even got here.


Back at the flat I start unpacking a bit more. I come across my guitar case in the pile of boxes, and pick it up. I carefully pull it out of the case and take a seat on the soft bed. I strum a few chords to my favorite Taylor Swift song. Soon after Louis' face is peering through the crack in the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a laugh, setting my guitar down.

"I didn't know you still played..." He says pushing the door open the rest of the way.

"Never stopped." I answer as he takes a seat across from me.

"You can keep going....if you want. I love to hear you play. I still wish to this day I would've let Dad teach me too, but I guess it's too late for that." He says softly, his eyes fixed on the floor.

I begin to play 'Look after you' by The Fray, knowing it's one of his favorites. A smile crosses his face and he begins to sing along. He stops for a moment, motioning for me to join him. But I shake my head no.

He stops completely and says "How come you won't sing anymore?"

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