Chapter 26

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     After around five more bottles of beer and ridiculous amounts of laughter, I find myself leaning against the counter,  having the most fun I've had in my life. An equally intoxicated Nathan stands next to me, slamming his hand on the counter as he tries to catch his breath. There is now a group of guys surrounding us, obviously interested in taking part in all of the fun we're having.

"But.... you should have seen your face when..." I try and slur my way through a funny story, but end up stopping and cracking up again before I even finish the first sentence. I've never even drank before, but I can't help but wonder why I never did it sooner. Oh right, because I'm 15....forget about that.

     Eventually Nathan and I both use the last ounce of good judgment we have left to know we've had enough. We say goodbye to the group we had been hanging out with, and stumble out the door. I hold onto his elbow, laughing again as he trips over nothing, almost sending us both to the ground. We finally wave down a taxi, and both of us climb into the backseat.

     I begin to giggle for no reason, and Nathan does the same. The driver gives us very strange looks into the rear-view mirror, muttering something about 'crazy kids.'

     Somehow, in our fits of laughter, we start to kiss. Well, more like make out. It's heated for sure, but not exactly serious, just spontaneous. The driver has to lterally yell to get us to stop and realize we are back at the hotel. I just laugh, and Nathan pays him as we hop out of the cab.

     I lean on his shoulder as we walk through the lobby, some of the previous affects of the alcohol wearing off, and the tiredness setting in. We still laugh a bit, making mindless chatter as we walk slowly to the elevator. He takes me to my floor first, walking with me towards the end of the long corridor.

     I hear his voice say, "I have no idea where she is, and she won't answer my phone. I heard about some big party and she sure as hell better not be there." My temporarily slow reflexes have no time to register Louis' voice before he spots Nathan and I walking down the hallway with our linked arms.

     If Louis was in a cartoon at this very moment, his face would be the shade of a tomato, and puffs of steam would be shooting out his ears. I can see the disapproving anger in his eyes as he takes in my appearance. Stumbling down the hallway with bloodshot eyes, leaning on the guy he despises more than anything, and has warned me multiple times to stay away from. I finally notice Liam standing next to the enraged Louis, and he has a worried look in his eyes. Nathan finally stops laughing at a joke I had told only moment ago and looks up, finally understanding the situation. Louis finally moves, marching down the hallway toward us, shouting profanities mostly directed towards Nathan. Liam follows behind him.

"How many times have I fu***** told you ! You must think I'm joking." Louis raises his arm, most likely going to hit Nathan, but Liam catches it, pushing it down to his side.

"Mate, I know your mad, but don't do something you'll regret." Liam tries to calm him, but it doesn't work.

"Oh, I sure as hell won't regret it." Louis persists, struggling to break free of Liam's strong grip.

     Before releasing his hold, Liam warns Nathan, "You better get outta here now." Nathan nods, practically running the best he can down the hallway. Louis looks like he going to go after him, but instead turns, stomping back to his room. He slams his door shut, the loud boom echoing through the hallway. I am left standing alone with Liam in the hallway, the heat of the moment wearing off the enjoyable affects of the alcohol.

I sigh, sinking down onto the ground. "I messed up."

     Liam just nods, waiting in a few more moments of silence. He eventually offers me a hand, helping me up. I walk with him towards my room, and enter. We both say a quiet goodnight, and turn our sperate ways. I really screwed up this time, and I know I'm going to hear about it tomorrow.

******Hey guys! Like the dramaaaa? Haha, sorry for going this long without an update! I really need to update my other story (How to Save a Life) too! Comment what you think, and dont forget to VOTE! Love yaaaa! :D******

-Rachel. xx

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